A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


By Grace and Banners Fallen
1 Eastward the Wind Blew
2 The Choice of an Ajah
3 A Dangerous Place
4 Advantages to a Bond
5 To Require a Boon
6 A Knack
7 Into the Thick of It
8 That Smoldering City
9 To Die Well
10 The Use of Dragons
11 Just Another Sell-sword
12 A Shard of a Moment
13 What Must Be Done
14 Doses of Forkroot
15 Your Neck in a Cord
16 A Silence Like Screaming
17 Older, More Weathered
18 To Feel Wasted
19 The Choice of a Patch
20 Into Thakan'dar
21 Not a Mistake to Ignore
22 The Wyld
23 At the Edge of Time
24 To Ignore the Omens
25 Quick Fragments
26 Considerations
27 Friendly Fire
28 Too Many Men
29 The Loss of a Hill
30 The Way of the Predator
31 A Tempest of Water
32 A Yellow Flower-Spider
33 The Prince's Tabac
34 Drifting
35 A Practiced Grin
36 Unchangeable Things
37 The Last Battle
38 The Place That Was Not
39 Those Who Fight
40 Wolfbrother
41 A Smile
42 Impossibilities
43 A Field of Glass
44 Two Craftsmen
45 Tendrils of Mist
46 To Awaken
47 Watching the Flow Writhe
48 A Brilliant Lance
49 Light and Shadow

To See the Answer

<<<   Not a Mistake to Ignore    >>>
Setting: Kandor-Arafel Border, The Black Tower


Point of view: Siuan Sanche

Siuan tries to help with Healing after escaping the Sharan attack and is sent away by Yukiri due to Siuan’s exhaustion. Siuan orders Haerm to search for the Amyrlin, convinced that she has survived the ambush.

Gareth Bryne and Siuan discuss the losses, one out of every two men, after the last attack. Bryne is upset that he made a mistake in not attacking the Trollocs sooner and being too careful. He realizes that the Shadowspawn's behavior indicated that an ambush was coming, and he missed the signs. He says that he was trained better than this and he could not ignore this mistake.

Point of view: Lyrelle Arienwin

Lyrelle is in charge of the sisters set to watch the Black Tower. They enter the Black Tower to bond the Asha’man they were promised. 

Pevara joins the group at Logain’s request. Pevara explains that bonding Asha’man does not compel them as is possible with ordinary men. Lyrelle insists on going though with bonding them. 

Point of view: Androl Genhald

Androl provides the Tower Aes Sedai camped outside the Black Tower with 46 men who volunteered to be Warders, as he has already been bonded by Pevara. He tells Lyrelle they may bond any men they can ask. All of the other Asha’man are away on other business, and Androl has hidden Jonneth, Emarin, and Canler. Lyrelle instructs the Aes Sedai to select their Warders.

Androl slips into one of the huts and Pevara follows. Logain has been poring over the things they found in Taim's rooms. He is darker, talks less, and Pevara worries that the Turning has broken him inside. Androl states that they follow Logain's orders, because Logain gave them hope, and that they'll honor the Dragon’s last order to think of themselves not as weapons, but as men.



