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Aeldra Najaf (pronounced: AIL-drah nah-JAHF) is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and was Keeper of the Chronicles under Tamra Ospenya.[1]


Aeldra is lean with short white hair and coppery skin.


She was born in Arad Doman.[1] Her white hair means she is likely well over 200 years old.

She was raised to Keeper of the Chronicles after Gitara Moroso died in office. Her tenure was rather brief, as the Amyrlin Seat, Tamra Ospenya, passed away less than a year after Aeldra was raised. The next Amyrlin, Sierin Vayu, chose Duhara Basaheen to be Aeldra's successor.

She had a love for pranks as a novice and Accepted. She was a kindly woman in many ways.

Aeldra likely passed away between 979 NE and 998 NE, as despite being a high-ranking, senior Blue sister and former Keeper of the Chronicles, she has no part in the events leading up to the Last Battle.


She caught Moiraine Damodred looking in on the Amyrlin's Study door when trying figure out who else Tamra had picked to search for the Dragon Reborn. She gently turns Moiraine away, attributing her actions to grief over her uncles' deaths, but does warn her she will have to take notice if she catches her again.

She was in the testing room to welcome Moiraine and Siuan Sanche to the Blue Ajah. She used her position as Keeper to be the sixth sister to welcome/kiss Moiraine and Siuan making her the one to receive hand-baked pies from the new sisters. Unfortunately, Siuan's fish-pie did not suit her, and since Moiraine had always had her food cooked for her, neither of the pies made her feel very well. She had to be Healed after eating the pies. Anaiya found this some sort of justice, since she considered it unjust of Aeldra to use her position in the way she did.[2]

