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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Alarys is a Wise One of the Shaido Aiel.


She is one of the few Aiel to have dark hair.


Although her exact level of strength is unknown, she was "chosen from the strongest of the Shaido Wise Ones who could wield the One Power".[1] We could certainly put her among the upper levels of Aes Sedai and strong enough to be able to Travel.


She takes part in the battle of Dumai's Wells with Sevanna. She is one of the Wise Ones who attack the Aes Sedai who are holding Rand al'Thor. She helps to activate the call box and is present when both "Cadder" and "Maisia" arrive.

She ends up Traveling to Ghealdan. With Therava and a few other Wise Ones she stands up to Sevanna and begins to take away some of her power.
