Alric was Siuan Sanche's Warder.
He was gray-haired, tall and slender.[1]
He was Siuan's Warder for close to twenty years.[2] Siuan likely felt threatened after the events of New Spring, so possibly she bonded him the same year (979 NE).
He never complained when Siuan's career path saw them confined to the Tower for the majority of the time, nor when she sent him on lone missions that separated them by hundreds of leagues, an inevitable consequence of being the Amyrlin's Warder.[2]
Alric arrived at Fal Dara with Siuan and the rest of the Amyrlin Seat's group. Before leaving Fal Dara, Siuan sent Alric to a secret mission to the west probably to check on the trouble in Arad Doman[3].
He was killed when Siuan was captured and overthrown by Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan and the Aes Sedai who followed her during the uprising in the White Tower. Alric sensed Siuan's shock and ran to her chambers, but he was stabbed in the anteroom and died almost instantly.[2]
When Siuan's stilling was Healed, all the pain of Alric's loss returned to her fully and Siuan still wept at night for him.[4]