A Wheel of Time Wiki

Anlee was an Aes Sedai and Sitter of the Blue Ajah.


Her hair was greying, her face grave, and she loved to wear a lot of jewellery, especially necklaces and rings.[1]


Being a Sitter in the Hall, Anlee was also a high ranking sister and a strong channeler by Aes Sedai standards.


She was a Sitter for the Blue Ajah when Moiraine Damodred was raised Aes Sedai in 979 NE.[1]


It may be assumed that Anlee died at some point after the end of the Aiel War, as she is not mentioned in the main series, and such a prominent Blue would surely have been mentioned in Salidar, had she for some reason stepped down from her position. Being a Sitter means that she was also a senior sister. She may have died of old age; she may have been one of the sisters killed during "The Vileness". She may also have been the Blue Sitter who was killed during the White Tower schism.

