This page provides a master index of all women raised to the rank of full Aes Sedai during the Third Age. Subcategories are also provided that further delineate women by power strength or position within the White Tower. This index does not provide a listing of - nor should it be confused with - Aes Sedai during the age of legends.
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All items (428)
- Nisain a'Cowel
- Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
- Rubinde Acedone
- Adrielle
- Aelidas
- Aes Sedai
- Aes Sedai advisors
- Afara
- Ajah
- Lelaine Akashi
- Eleyan al'Landerin
- Nynaeve al'Meara
- Egwene al'Vere
- Teire Alentaine
- Doniella Alievin
- Dumera Alman
- Desandre Alraed
- Katerine Alruddin
- Doesine Alwain
- Zemaille Amassa
- Lemai Ambani
- Merana Ambrey
- Saraline Amerano
- Amylia
- Amyrlin Seat
- Setalle Anan
- Ananda
- Sashalle Anderly
- Rianna Andomeran
- Anghara
- Angharad Juerissen
- Anlee
- Balladare Arandaille
- Arebis
- Meilyn Arganya
- Lyrelle Arienwin
- Laigin Arnault
- Catlynde Artein
- Deane Aryman
- Ashmanaille
- Saerin Asnobar
- Astrelle
- Edesina Azzedin
- Sereille Bagand
- Covarla Baldene
- Ballair
- Jenare Balmaen
- Jala Bandevin
- Teslyn Baradon
- Barashelle
- Barasine
- Narenwin Barda
- Duhara Basaheen
- Adelorna Bastine
- Sheriam Bayanar
- Velina Behar
- Beldemaine
- Myrelle Berengari
- Felaana Bevaine
- Bharatine
- Falion Bhoda
- Nesune Bihara
- Jesse Bilal
- Black Ajah Hunters
- Black Tower Alliance
- Erian Boroleos
- Gabrelle Brawley
- Silviana Brehon
- Brendas
- Joiya Byir
- Mitsora Caal
- Jeaine Caide
- Yasicca Cellaech
- Naorisa Cambral
- Sheraine Caminelle
- Adine Canford
- Anaiya Carel
- Carenna
- Galina Casban
- Salindi Casolan
- Romanda Cassin
- Cavandra
- Merilille Ceandevin
- Cerist
- Shein Chunla
- Rafela Cindal
- Jennet Cobb
- Nirelle Coidevwin
- Coladara
- Lusonia Cole
- Serancha Colvine
- Shahal Comanli
- Akarrin Comeris
- Raechin Connoral
- Viria Connoral
- Myriam Copan
- Mirlene Cornwell
- Theodrin Dabei
- Zerah Dacan
- Nisao Dachen
- Sedore Dajenna
- Dalevien
- Moiraine Damodred
- Ludice Daneen
- Danelle
- Innina Darenhold
- Faiselle Darone
- Magla Daronos
- Cetalia Delarme
- Parenia Demalle
- Nelavaire Demasiellin
- Takima Deraighdin
- Cathal Devore
- Kumira Dhoran
- Lirene Doirellin
- Mashera Donavelle
- Javindhra Doraille
- Norine Dovarna
- Suana Dragand
- Alind Dyfelle
- Kera Haellin
- Rina Hafden
- Merise Haindehl
- Hall of the Tower under Siuan Sanche
- Escaralde Hamdey
- Faeldrin Harella
- Bera Harkin
- Yukiri Haruna
- Mailaine Harvole
- Biranca Hasad
- Razina Hazzan
- Seaine Herimon
- Corele Hovian