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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Coumin was a Da'shain Aiel who lived during the later years of the War of Power and the earlier days of the Breaking. His story is learned from Rand's visions in the ter'angreal of Rhuidean.

Ancestry of Rand al'Thor[]

Charn ↠ unknown ↠ unknown ↠ Coumin ↠ JonaiAdanMarindLewinJeordam ↠ unknown ↠ Rhodric ↠ unknown ↠ Comran ↠ unknown ↠ Mandein ↠ ... ↠ JanduinRand al'Thor


Coumin was the great-grandchild of Charn, who had served Mierin Eronaile before she became Lanfear. Coumin was the father of Jonai. On the day of the Strike at Shayol Ghul, Coumin participated in a Singing ceremony with Someshta, Ogiers and other Aiel. Coumin went to meet Charn after the ceremony, and discovered that Charn has been murdered by people who resented him for his association with a Forsaken.[1]

