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See also: Statistical analysis

Crossroads of Twilight contains 30 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue and consists of 22 unique POVs and 45 individual POVs. It has a total word count of 264,665 words.

The Chapter by Chapter Breakdown sections lists the POVs in order by chapter. The percentage expressed here takes the total number of words in that section and divides it by the total word count. If a character has multiple POVs in the same chapter, they are listed again and not totaled up in one line.

The Unique POV Breakdown sections list all of the people (including Quotes and Narrator) who had POVs in the book. They are listed in the order of their appearance. The second column counts how many POVs they had. The third column divides the number of POVs the person had by the number of total POVs in the book. The fourth column lists the total word count for each POV. The fifth column divides the word count of the POV by the total word count. For example, in The Eye of the World, Rand al'Thor has 44 POVs. This is 74.586% of the total number of POVs (59) in the book. The next percentage indicates that 79.569% of the words in book are from Rand's point of view.

Chapter by Chapter Breakdown[]

Chapter Character Word Count Percentage
Prologue: Glimmers of the Pattern Quote 80 0.0302%
Rodel Ituralde 4,927 1.8616%
Eamon Valda 1,644 0.6212%
Gabrelle 2,873 1.0855%
Yukiri 6,188 2.3380%
Gawyn Trakand 3,014 1.1388%
Davram Bashere 4,320 1.6322%
Samitsu 9,655 3.6480%
Ch1: Time to Be Gone Matrim Cauthon 7,864 2.9713%
Ch2: Two Captains Matrim Cauthon 5,996 2.2655%
Ch3: A Fan of Colors Matrim Cauthon 9,834 3.7156%
Ch4: A Tale of a Doll Furyk Karede 5,721 2.1616%
Ch5: The Forging of a Hammer Perrin Aybara 8,846 3.3423%
Ch6: The Scent of a Dream Perrin Aybara 5,625 2.1253%
Ch7: Blacksmith's Puzzle Perrin Aybara 5,957 2.2507%
Ch8: Whirlpools of Color Perrin Aybara 7,690 2.9055%
Ch9: Traps Faile Bashere 11,636 4.3964%
Ch10: A Blazing Beacon Elayne Trakand 7,019 2.6520%
Ch11: Talk of Debts Elayne Trakand 6,885 2.6014%
Ch12: A Bargain Elayne Trakand 6,643 2.5099%
Ch13: High Seats Elayne Trakand 6,782 2.5624%
Ch14: What Wise Ones Know Elayne Trakand 8,858 3.3468%
Ch15: Gathering Darkness Elenia Sarand 6,642 2.5095%
Daved Hanlon 6,287 2.3754%
Ch16: The Subject of Negotiations Egwene al'Vere 7,357 2.7797%
Ch17: Secrets Delana Mosalaine 248 0.0937%
Egwene al'Vere 10,363 3.9155%
Ch18: A Chat with Siuan Egwene al'Vere 7,445 2.8129%
Ch19: Surprises Egwene al'Vere 9,803 3.7039%
Ch20: In the Night Egwene al'Vere 8,034 3.0355%
Ch21: A Mark Alviarin Freidhen 8,132 3.0725%
Ch22: One Answer Pevara Tazanovni 2,392 0.9038%
Ch23: Ornaments Cadsuane Melaidhrin 6,551 2.4752%
Ch24: A Strengthening Storm Rand al'Thor 4,231 1.5986%
Cadsuane Melaidhrin 761 0.2875%
Rand al'Thor 1,384 0.5229%
Elza Penfell 424 0.1602%
Ch25: When to Wear Jewels Perrin Aybara 4,360 1.6473%
Ch26: In So Habor Perrin Aybara 5,462 2.0637%
Ch27: What Must Be Done Perrin Aybara 6,558 2.4778%
Ch28: A Cluster of Rosebuds Matrim Cauthon 10,355 3.9124%
Ch29: Something Flickers Matrim Cauthon 8,628 3.2599%
Ch30: What the Oath Rod Can Do Egwene al'Vere 10,877 4.1097%
Epilogue: An Answer Rand al'Thor 263 0.0994%
Quote 55 0.0208%

Unique POV Breakdown[]

Character # of POVs % of Total POVs (45) Total Word Count (264,669) % of Word Count
Quote 2 4.4444% 135 0.0510%
Rodel Ituralde 1 2.2222% 4,927 1.8616%
Eamon Valda 1 2.2222% 1,644 0.6212%
Gabrelle 1 2.2222% 2,873 1.0855%
Yukiri 1 2.2222% 6,188 2.3380%
Gawyn Trakand 1 2.2222% 3,014 1.1388%
Davram Bashere 1 2.2222% 4,320 1.6322%
Samitsu 1 2.2222% 9,655 3.6480%
Matrim Cauthon 5 11.1111% 42,677 16.1247%
Furyk Karede 1 2.2222% 5,721 2.1616%
Perrin Aybara 7 15.5556% 44,498 16.8127%
Faile Bashere 1 2.2222% 11,636 4.3964%
Elayne Trakand 5 11.1111% 36,187 13.6725%
Elenia Sarand 1 2.2222% 6,642 2.5095%
Daved Hanlon 1 2.2222% 6,287 2.3754%
Egwene al'Vere 6 13.3333% 53,879 20.3571%
Delana Mosalaine 1 2.2222% 248 0.0937%
Alviarin Freidhen 1 2.2222% 8,132 3.0725%
Pevara Tazanovni 1 2.2222% 2,392 0.9038%
Cadsuane Melaidhrin 2 4.4444% 7,312 2.7627%
Rand al'Thor 3 6.6667% 5,878 2.2209%
Elza Penfell 1 2.2222% 424 0.1602%