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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Culain's Hound is an inn in the New City district of Caemlyn.

Appearance and staff[]

Culain's Hound is a stone building that is three stories high. It has a red tiled roof. The inn is owned by Master Dilham. Azril is a serving maid. They have a gray-striped cat.[1]


Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin bring several girls from the Two Rivers to Culain's Hound to rest until traveling on to Tar Valon and the White Tower.

Rand al'Thor visits them when Bael tells him of them. Many of the girls exclaim at seeing Rand.[1]

Alanna and Verin ask if Rand will speak with them privately. When they are alone in one of the inn's dining rooms, Alanna bonds Rand against his will.[2] Rand's enraged reaction frightens the girls as he starts to channel.

Padan Fain knows that the Two Rivers girls are staying there, but considers that killing them will not provoke a reaction from Rand as Rand never lifted a finger to help them when his home was attacked by an army of Trollocs during the events of The Shadow Rising.

Vilnar Barada visited the inn looking for Aes Sedai in the city, but was not sure if any of the women there were Aes Sedai or not.[3]


The inn is most likely named after Culain, the hero of Aldeshar.[4]


The name of this inn refers to the Irish hero Cú Chulainn of the Ulster Cycle, known as the "Hound of Culain."

