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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Dafid Norley is an Asha'man Dedicated.


He is short and thick-waisted. He is stout. He has an open, inviting smile.


He is from Cairhien.


He is involved in the capturing and bonding of the fifty-one sisters sent from the White Tower. [1] He has bonded a Red Ajah sister.

He is friends with Androl Genhald and is aligned with Logain Ablar's faction within the Black Tower.

He, at Androl's request, investigates Mezar Kurin, one of Logain's followers, when Kurin reappears in the Black Tower.

He concludes that it isn't really Kurin. He notes the eyes as soulless and the smile as "wrong." It is assumed that Kurin has been converted to the Shadow by the Turning technique.[2]

It is not stated if later Dafid and his Sister have been Turned (like many from Logain's group of followers) or instead they have been able to avoid this fate and helped to free the Black Tower from Taim's grip.

