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Doesine Alwain is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and is a Sitter in the Hall. She has remained loyal to the White Tower during the split. Her Warder is Adsalan.


Doesine is elegant and tall for a Cairhienin. She is pale, slender, and somewhat boyish. [1]


Doesine was a cutler's daughter, and she ran away three times as a Novice.



Doesine, along with Yukiri, Saerin Asnobar and Talene Minly followed Pevara Tazanovni and Seaine Herimon into rooms below the White Tower, where Pevara and Seaine questioned them using the Oath Rod, which forces the holder into speaking the truth. Doesine reswore her Oaths, proving she was not Black Ajah but Talene refused to reswear them and was discovered to be Black Ajah after she was questioned on the Chair of Remorse. They questioned several other Aes Sedai and inadvertently found out about the Salidar spies.

She is present when Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan grants the Sitters requests to begin negotiations with the Rebel Aes Sedai.

She has to Heal Egwene al'Vere after her constant visits with Silviana Brehon. She is in the White Tower basement, when Meidani brings in Egwene al'Vere. Egwene tells them to continue finding the Black Ajah but tells them to remove the fourth oath they have placed on the Rebel Spies. Egwene also points out that Siuan Sanche was deposed unlawfully due to a Black Ajah member being part of the bare minimum of Sitters required.

Egwene punished

She is at dinner with Elaida and most of the other Sitters when Elaida begins to taunt Egwene and demands her to stop telling lies about a Seanchan invasion on the White Tower. Egwene refuses and enrages Elaida to the point where she uses the One Power on Egwene, drawing blood and sending her unconscious. She stands with the rest of the Hall of the Tower to raise Egwene unanimously as the new Amyrlin Seat.

