—Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 19
Escaralde Hamdey is an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She has allied herself with the Salidar Aes Sedai and has been elected as a Sitter in the Salidar Hall, despite being too young. [1]
Appearance and Personality[]
Escaralde is very short but seems to loom by sheer force of will. She is 4'10, which is inches shorter than Nisao Dachen. [1]
She is stubborn and would refuse to believe that she could not do or learn anything, until she proved it to her own satisfaction. She insisted on trying to learn to make ter'angreal despite lacking the sufficient strength.
Strength and Abilities[]
Escaralde is of average strength for an Aes Sedai, with a One Power level of 23(11). She would not be able to Travel without linking with another channeler.
She is from Far Madding. Escaralde was born in the year 927 NE and went to the Tower in 942 NE. After spending eight years as Novice and nine as Accepted she was raised to the shawl in the year 959 NE.
She is not much past seventy. She is the oldest of the Too Young Sitters among the Rebel Aes Sedai.
She joined the Rebel Aes Sedai after the split and was elected a Sitter for the Rebel Hall of the Tower. She votes YES on the Rebel Aes Sedai declaring war on Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan.
Although Escaralde wanted to learn how to make ter'angreal, she is not strong enough to be able to do so.
She is one of the Sitters to propose an alliance with the Black Tower, alongside Moria and Malind.
At Lelaine Akashi's emergency meeting of the Hall, she stands to accept the offer from the Dragon Reborn of bonding forty-seven Asha'man.
She was unseated upon the reunification of the White Tower, her seat in the Hall being surplus to requirements as all three pre-split Sitters (Saerin Asnobar, Janya Frende, Takima Deraighdin) continued in their former roles.