A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Esole was a Da'shain Aiel child during the Breaking and the daughter of the leader, Jonai.


She had two siblings, Willim, who was sent away when he began to channel and couldn't stop, and Adan, who become the ancestor of Rand al'Thor.

She was a young girl when the Aiel set out on their journey to find a safe place after the Breaking started. She was young enough to play with dolls when they left Paaran Disen.[1] She died not long after the journey started in a sickness which could have been Healed by an Aes Sedai but there was none around.[2]


She is listed as a young Jenn Aiel girl in The Wheel of Time Companion, but the term Jenn did not exist until decades after her death. She should be Da'shain Aiel.[1]

