Estean Andiama is the son of the wealthy High Lord Torean from House Andiama.
He is a lumpy, plain faced youth, who enjoys his wine and could quite easily pass as a farmer. He has a big nose and ears, lanky hair and has a beard.
To Cairhien[]
He is one of the young lords in the Stone of Tear playing cards with Mat Cauthon when the Bubble of evil causes Mat's cards to come to life and attack Mat. He drunkenly asks Mat to speak to Rand about his proclamation that commoners had the right to call lords before a magistrate, and aggravates Mat with his careless comments. Estean says he will probably flip a coin to see which one of Astoril's daughters he will marry, or perhaps Medore as she "has two or three pretty maids."[1]
While out looking to find help for Cairhien when the Shaido attack, he finds Rand al'Thor with the rest of the Aiel. He is in the group of Tairen soldiers that is warned by Mat that the Aiel are setting an ambush ahead.
Joining the Band[]
He later joins the Band of the Red Hand and travels to Murandy where King Roedran employs the Band to stay on the border. After the employment is completed, Talmanes Delovinde and a number of the Band's banners set off to find Mat in Altara. Estean is left in charge of the Band that remains behind.
Estean is in command of the Band that is taken by Elayne Trakand to the Field of Merrilor to fight under Andor in the Last Battle.