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The Fall of Malkier was a conflict in 955 NE in which Malkier, having endured against the Shadow for almost a thousand years, was overrun by a Shadowspawn army and subsequently absorbed by the Blight.

Malkier had been weakened after Breyan Mandragoran had plotted a coup against al'Akir Mandragoran. The coup failed, but in the process the Blightborder fortresses were almost stripped bare, enabling an army of Shadowspawn to overrun the country. A final battle was fought at Herot's Crossing, in which the king and queen of Malkier were slain. Malkier fell before other countries had time to intervene, and while the armies of Shienar, Arafel and Kandor eventually stopped the invasion, they did not push the Shadowspawn back all the way.
