A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
Garen's Wall map


Garen's Wall is a substantial ridgeline located on the northern border of the kingdom of Ghealdan. It runs from the Forest of Shadows into the hills and mountains of northern Altara. One of the titles of Ghealdan is Defender of Garen's Wall.

It was formed by a split in tectonic plates.[1] It is not known if this was a result of the Breaking of the World or not.

The ridge is named after King Garen who ruled Dhowlan sometime during the Free Years. He fought numerous border skirmishes with Farashelle to the north, before the time of Artur Hawkwing. Garen made expert use of the ridge as a defensive line, channelling the invading army into easily-defensible areas.[2]

Large altara map

Garen's Wall in Northwest Altara

A series of other conflicts have been fought around Garen's Wall from the Free Years to the New Era. It has been used many times to defend the country, at the present time Ghealdan, which lies behind it. Hence the ruler of Ghealdan has the title "Defender of Garen's Wall" indicating their defense of the realm using this natural barrier.

In the modern age, the ridge is located in mostly uninhabited wilderness, although on maps it is shown as forming part of Ghealdan's border with Andor and Altara.


It should be noted that the officially-published maps seem to disagree on the ridge's precise location. The black and white one shown at the top of this page shows it lying only along the Ghealdan/Altara border, whilst the color map in the hardcovers versions show it extending many hundreds of miles and deep into Altara, almost to the border with Murandy. The presence of the Damona Mountains in this region in Knife of Dreams would indicate that the first of these is correct.


It is named after the garden wall just outside Jordan's office window.[3]

