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Three golden arrows pointing upwards (with the middle arrow slightly raised) on a red background

Sign of House Carand

House Carand is one of the 19 Major Noble houses of Andor. The High Seat is Aemlyn Carand, whose husband is Culhan Carand.

House Sigil[]

The sigil of House Carand consists of three golden arrows. The Companion describes Aemlyn's sigil as three golden arrows pointing upwards (with the middle arrow slightly raised) on a red background. These may be the same sigils or slightly different.[1]


During the Third Succession War, House Carand supported House Trakand gaining the Lion Throne.

House Carand was among the three great Houses that met with the Amyrlin Seat Egwene in Murandy[2].

During the Fourth Succession War, House Carand was initially among the six neutral great Houses that stayed apart during the Siege of Caemlyn[3].

After the Siege of Caemlyn House Carand supported Elayne Trakand due to Dyelin Taravin's speech in her favour[4].

