Jurene is a village in Cairhien that sits on the River Erinin.[1]
Jurene is a small village with wooden houses and thatched rooftops. None of the buildings are more than one story high. A single stone dock caters to the river traffic.
When the Blue Crane runs up on a mud flat, Egwene al'Vere, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve al'Meara are put ashore and walk to Jurene.[2] While in Jurene, they secure passage to Tear aboard the Darter.[3] Later, while in Tel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve attempts to flee to Jurene from Moghedien, thinking that Jurene is a place that Moghedien would not know. Moghedien, with her better knowledge of Tel'aran'rhiod, follows Nynaeve anyway.[4]