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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Nynaeve's ki'sain

The ki'sain is a small dot painted on the forehead of Malkieri women to indicate their marital status.[1] A woman who wears the ki'sain is indicating that she has pledged her sons to fight the Shadow.[2]

Nynaeve adopted the custom when she married Lan.[1]


In death, a Malkieri woman would be marked with all three, one of each color, whether she had ever married or not.[5]


Prajnaparamita Java

The Goddess Tara depicted with "third eye" of consciousness represented by the bindi.

The custom is similar to the bindi, meaning "point, drop, dot or small particle") is a coloured dot or, in modern times, a sticker worn on the centre of the forehead, originally by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists from the Indian subcontinent.
