A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


Embers Falling on Dry Grass
1 When Last Sounds
2 The Dark One's Touch
3 At the Gardens
4 A Deal
5 Something... Strange
6 A Stave and a Razor
7 A Cold Medallion
8 Dragons' Eggs
9 A Short Path
10 A Village in Shiota
11 A Hell in Maderin
12 A Manufactory
13 Siege
14 Wet Things
15 A Different Skill
16 The New Follower
17 A Bronze Bear
18 News for the Dragon
19 Vows
20 The Golden Crane
21 Within the Stone
22 To Make an Anchor Weep
23 Call to a Sitting
24 Honey in the Tea
25 Attending Elaida
26 As If the World Were Fog
27 A Plain Wooden Box
28 In Malden
29 The Last Knot
30 Outside the Gates
31 The House on Full Moon Street
32 To Keep the Bargain
33 Nine Out of Ten
34 A Cup of Kaf
35 The Importance of Dyelin
36 Under an Oak
37 Prince of the Ravens

Remember the Old Saying

<<<   A Manufactory    >>>
Setting: Almizar


Point of view: Perrin Aybara

Perrin Aybara and his group ride to the north end of Almizar after Travelling by Gateway. Perrin worries about Aram and wishes he could have come since there are many Tinker caravans in the area, but Aram is go close to Masema these days. Faile has been a prisoner of the Shaido for fifty-one days now and nothing matters to Perrin but getting her back safely. One of the clerks is coughing and eventually begins spewing out beetles, probably a bubble of evil, which frightens everyone. Perrin just notes that the beetles are harmless and urges Tylee to continue with her business here. Banner-General Tylee Khirgan of the Seanchan wants to have some raken and fliers provided. Perrin uses the note from Suroth as a substitute for official orders. Although she does not get as many as she wanted to, Perrin urges them on. Perrin mentions all of the gear the support troops are to bring is to be loaded into carts since Neald cannot make a Gateway large enough for wagons.

They ride through town to the forkroot manufactory, to meet with the Imperial Functionary in charge. There are a lot of people reacting to Perrin's yellow eyes. When they reach the building Tylee requests that Perrin only speak to her and she will try to make the case for acquiring the forkroot. The ask for all of the forkroot in stock along with carts and drivers using the note signed by Suroth. The functionary hesitates so Perrin happens to mention that Suroth made threats to anyone that prevented them from taking all of it.

As Tylee and Perrin chat on their way to an inn, Perrin takes an arrow through his arm that was actually aimed at his heart. Tylee asked an awkward question which caused him to twist in his saddle to look at her. After the arrow is removed Neald is ready to Heal Perrin, but he doesn't want the Seanchan to see Healing performed. Bakayar Mishima reports the men who shot the arrows poisoned themselves rather than reporting failure, which points at a powerful enemy in Khirgan's opinion. Perrin is puzzled by who would wish him dead since Masema is too far away, but perhaps the Forsaken which he decides to not mention.







