- For others with the same name, see Lewin (disambiguation).
Lewin was an Da'shain Aiel who lived during the middle of the Breaking. His story is learned from Rand's visions in the ter'angreal of Rhuidean.
Ancestry of Rand al'Thor[]
Charn ↠ unknown ↠ unknown ↠ Coumin ↠ Jonai ↠ Adan ↠ Marind ↠ Lewin ↠ Jeordam ↠ unknown ↠ Rhodric ↠ unknown ↠ Comran ↠ unknown ↠ Mandein ↠ ... ↠ Janduin ↠ Rand al'Thor
Lewin was the father of Jeordam and the grandson of Adan.
On an ill-fated attempt to rescue some kidnapped girls, including Lewin’s sister Maigran, Lewin and a group of friends killed the kidnappers in self defense, thus becoming the first Aiel to stray from the Way of the Leaf. After being exiled from the other Da'shain Aiel, Lewin declared that he is still Aiel, and went on to shadow the Da’shain camp to provide protection. The dust veils Lewin and his friends wore to keep off the dust became the shoufa worn by the Aiel in the later years.[1]
Lewin was an ancestor of Rand al'Thor.
He is named as Jenn Aiel in The Wheel of Time Companion, but the Jenn were named as a result of his actions, so he should be Da'shain instead.[2]