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Blue Ajah Sister channelling

The table below lists all known named members of the Blue Ajah together with information about each, mostly from The Wheel of Time Companion. It does not include the ancient Blue Ajah scholar Lannis, nor the historical Amyrlins Comarra Zepava, Suilin Escanda, Edarna Noregovna, Eldaya Tolen, Feragaine Saralman, Ishara Nawan or Noane Masadim as we know little more than their dates of tenure. The Amyrlins Deane Aryman, Tamra Ospenya and Marith Jaen have been included as we have extra information.

Key to Columns

  • Nat: Nationality.
  • Str: Strength on the 72-level scale in the One Power. 72 is the weakest level. All Aes Sedai have a minimum strength of 45.
  • Nov: Years spent as a novice.
  • Acc: Years spent as Accepted.
  • Rank: Strength on alternative scale with 1 being the strongest Aes Sedai in the White Tower at the beginning of the series. All Aes Sedai have a minimum rank of 33.
  • Age: Age by the end of 1000 NE or at time of death.
  • AS: Years wearing the shawl.
  • Enr: Age when entered into the novice book.
  • Stat: Dead (D) or Alive (A), Captured (C). Unless proven otherwise, sisters are assumed to be alive by default.
  • DF: Darkfriend Yes (Y) or No (N).
  • Bonds: Warders or people they are bonded to or by.
  • Notes: Any other important information.

All Blue Ajah sisters are assumed to be part of the Rebel Aes Sedai faction, with the notable exception of those women who may have died between the events of New Spring and the White Tower Schism.

Name Nat. Str. Nov. Acc. Rank Age AS Enr. Stat. DF Bonds Notes
Adine Canford Andoran 34 12 11 22 95 57 15 A N - Friends with Moiraine and Siuan. Recieves reports on Moiraine's behalf.
Aeldene Stonebridge Andoran 27 10 9 15 - - 24 A N - Took over the Blue Ajah's network of eyes and ears after Siuan became Amyrlin
Aeldra Najaf Domani - - - - 200+ - - D N - Keeper of the Chronicles under Tamra Ospenya.
Anaiya Carel Unknown 15 8 7 3 132 102 15 D N Setagana One of the Salidar Six. Likely former First Selector. Murdered by Aran'gar.
Anlee Unknown - - - - - 150+ - D - - Former Sitter. Only appears in New Spring. Possibly killed in the coup.
Berylla Naron Illianer 27 7 5 15 67 40 15 - Y None One of Liandrin's 13. Her fate is unknown.
Cabriana Mecandes Tairen 34 12 7 22 88 53 16 D N 1 Tortured and killed by Semirhage in 999 NE.
Cetalia Delarme Taraboner 14 - - 2 200+ - - D N - Head of the Blue Ajah network of eyes and ears in 978 NE. Murdered by the Black Ajah.
Deane Aryman Shiota - 5 4 - 164 141 14 D N - Former Amyrlin born in Sallie Daera/Salidar. Was Amyrlin for 92 years. Died FY 1084.
Eadyth Unknown - - - - 200+ - - D - - Former First Selector and Sitter. Presumaly dead from old age.
Faolain Orande Unknown 17 8 5 5 30 <1 16 A N One Asha'man Raised to Aes Sedai by decree in 999 NE by Egwene al'Vere.
Gitara Moroso Unknown 19 6 7 7 306 276 17 D N None Keeper under Tamra Ospenya. Died in 978 NE Foretelling the Dragon was Reborn.
Ispan Shefar Taraboner 17 6 8 5 109 78 17 D Y None One of Liandrin's 13. Captured in Ebou Dar and murdered by Careane Fransi
Kairen Stang Andoran 18 8 8 6 63 32 15 D N Llyw Part of the Rebel Aes Sedai's embassy to Rand al'Thor. Murdered by Aran'gar.
Leane Sharif (old) Domani 14 5 4 2 48 24 15 A N Anjen (died 984 NE) Keeper of the Chronicles under Siuan Sanche. Stilled and later Healed at reduced strength.
Lelaine Akashi Kandori 13 5 6 1 173 145 17 A N Burin Shaeren Likely current First Selector. Sitter in the rebel and White Tower Halls.
Lyrelle Arienwin Cairhienin 24 6 4 12 167 141 16 A N At least 1 Asha'man Sitter in the Rebel and White Tower Halls.
Maigan Andoran? 15 - - 3 - - - A N - Part of Egwene's Council after Anaiya's murder. Part of Suian's entourage in Fal Dara.
Marith Jaen Unknown - - - - 288 250+ 17 D N - Former Amyrlin raised after Sierin Vayu in 984 NE. Died of natural causes in 988 NE.
Merean Redhill Andoran 14 - - 2 263 200+ - D Y None Mistress of Novices under Tamra Ospenya. Killed by Moiraine in 979 NE.
Moiraine Damodred (new) Cairhienin 66 3 3 54 44 22 16 A N Thom Merrillin Reduced in strength by the 'Finn. Rescued by Mat, Thom and Noam.
Moiraine Damodred (old) Cairhienin 13 3 3 1 44 22 16 A N Lan Mandragoran One of the four strongest women in the Tower by 998 NE.
Moria Karentanis Illianer 25 8 7 13 160 131 14 D Y None Sitter in the Rebel Hall. Executed by Egwene during the Black Ajah purge.
Sheraine Caminelle Cairhienin 21+ - - 9+ - - - C N - Captured and made damane at Falme. Now known as Mylen.
Nadira Unknown - - - - - - - - N Gable Only mentioned in the Wheel of Time RPG.
Natasia Saldaean - - - - - - - - - - Known as a lenient teacher. Only appears in New Spring.
Rafela Cindal Tairen 16 6 5 4 52 25 16 A N Mahiro Shukosa Part of the Rebel Aes Sedai's embassy to Rand al'Thor. Captured at Dumai's Wells
Reiko Kerevon Arafellin 38 - - 26 173 130+ - A N - Expert at reading residues sent to Shadar Logoth
Sheriam Bayanar Saldaean 14 5 5 2 47 21 16 D Y Arinvar Mistress of Novices under Siuan. Keeper under Egwene. Executed in 1000 NE.
Siuan Sanche (new) Tairen 35 3 3 23 43 22 15 D N Gareth Bryne Killed when the command post is attacked during the Last Battle.
Siuan Sanche (old) Tairen 13 3 3 1 43 22 15 D N Alric (killed 999 NE) Amyrlin 988-999 NE. One of the four strongest women in the Tower by 998 NE. Stilled.
Tamra Ospenya Unknown 19 - - 7 150+ - - D N 1 Amyrlin 973-979 NE. Began a search for the Dragon Reborn. Murdered by the Black Ajah.