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A Brown Ajah sister stacking books in a library

“Each of you pick two,” Lyrelle said to her companions. “A few of us will

take only one. Faolain and Theodrin, you are among those. Be quick about it, all of you. I want away from this place as soon as possible.”

The table below lists all known named members of the Brown Ajah together with information about each, mostly from The Wheel of Time Companion. It does not include the ancient Brown Ajah scholar Yasicca Cellaech, nor the historical Amyrlins Balladare Arandaille, Doniella Alievin, Igaine Luin, Zeranda Tyrim or Kirin Melway as we know little more than their dates of tenure.

Key to Columns

  • Nat: Nationality.
  • Str: Strength on the 72-level scale in the One Power. 72 is the weakest level.
  • Nov: Years spent as a novice.
  • Acc: Years spent as Accepted.
  • Rank: Strength on alternative scale with 1 being the strongest Aes Sedai in the White Tower at the beginning of the series.
  • Age: Age by the end of 1000 NE or at time of death.
  • AS: Years wearing the shawl.
  • Enr: Age when entered into the novice book.
  • Stat: Dead (D) or Alive (A), Captured (C). Unless proven otherwise, sisters are assumed to be alive by default.
  • Fact.: Member of the Loyalist (L), or Rebel (R), or Unknown (U) or Neutral (N) faction of during the White Tower Schism. If blank, none of these apply.
  • DF: Darkfriend Yes (Y) or No (N).
  • Bonds: Warders or people they are bonded to or by.
  • Notes: Any other important information.
Name Nat. Str. Nov. Acc. Rank Age AS Enr. Stat. Fact. DF Bonds Notes
Adeleas Namelle Unknown 23 5 5 11 265 238 17 D R N None Retired 930 NE. Sister to Vandene. Murdered by Careane Fransi.
Aiden Shimura Atha'an Miere - - - - 60+ 22+ 18+ A L N None Librarian in 13th Repository.
Akarrin Comeris Unknown 34 11 10 22 199 163 15 A R N Expert at reading residues sent to Shadar Logoth
Amylia Unknown - - - - 30+ 5+ - A R N None Voluntary teacher to the Atha'an Miere.
Bennae Nalsad Shienaran 37 13 11 25 200+ 160+ 16 A L N History teacher in the White Tower. Gets in trouble regarding the Thirteenth Depository.
Cathal Devore Ghealdanin 17 9 8 5 58 26 15 A R N 1 (Cairhienin) One of the ferrets. Historian and expert on False Dragons.
Chai Rugan Unknown - - - - - - - A L Y Escaped the White Tower before she could be executed for being Black Ajah.
Dalevien Unknown - - - - 150+ 110+ - A L N
Danelle Unknown 17 9 7 5 100 69 15 D L N None Murdered and identity stolen by Mesaana in 999NE.
Demira Eriff Domani 18 9 8 6 70 36 17 A R N Stevan Gedarien Part of the Rebel Aes Sedai's embassy to Rand al'Thor
Doraise Mesianos Illianer? - - - - - - - A L N 1 (Shienaran)
Eldrith Jhondar Amadician 16 12 7 4 116 80 17 D - Y Kennit One of Liandrin's 13. Murdered by Doilin Mellar in 1000 NE.
Elin Warrel Andoran - 15 14 - 47 <1 18 A L N None The oldest Accepted in the Tower before her raising in 1000 NE.
Escaralde Hamdey Far Madding 23 8 9 11 73 41 15 A R N Sitter in the Rebel Hall.
Felaana Bevaine Unknown 17 8 7 5 - - - A L N
Gabrelle Brawley Murandian 19 7 6 7 98 70 15 A L N Logain Ablar Part of the Black Tower force. Urged Logain to break the Seals.
Haesel Lusara Murandian 16 10 4 4 122 95 13 A R N One of the ferrets. Said she was 15 when enrolled in the Novice book.
Janya Frende Andoran 17 7 12 5 184 149 16 A R N Sitter in the White Tower and Rebel Hall.
Jesse Bilal Unknown 21 11 10 9 248 211 16 A L N First Chair of the Brown Ajah Council. Former Sitter.
Juilaine Madome Ghealdanin 21 13 5 9 97 63 16 A L N Sitter in Elaida's Hall.
Kumira Dhoran Shienaran 24 7 9 12 114 82 16 D U N None One of Cadsuane's followers. Killed by Graendal at the Cleansing of saidin.
Lairain Unknown - - - - - - - A L N Instructs prospective Amyrlins in the raising ceremony.
Maenadrin Saldaean - - - - - - - A L N Her quarters were displaced due to the Dark one affecting reality.
Marillin Gemalphin Andoran 15 6 5 3 152 126 15 - - Y One of Liandrin's 13. Sent by Moghedien to Caemlyn. Fate unknown.
Marith Riven Murandian 18 8 7 6 32 1 16 A L N Captured at Dumai's Wells. Doesn't appear Ageless.
Marris Thornhill Andoran 44 - - 32 - - - D L Y None Revealed as Black Ajah by Atuan Larisett and sworn to obey the Black Ajah hunters.
Martine Janata Borderlander 14 5 4 2 98 47 15 A - N 1 (dead) An expert in ter'angreal who ended up burning herself out. Now Setelle Anan.
Masuri Sokawa Arafellin 16 5 7 4 65 38 15 A R N Rovair Kirklin Part of the Rebel Aes Sedai's embassy to Rand al'Thor. An expert on Darkhounds.
Morvrin Thakanos Illianer 15 7 6 3 223 192 18 A R N Jori One of the Salidar Six. Possibly the First Chair of the Brown Ajah council in Salidar.
Nalasia Merhan Unknown <38 - - <26 - - - C L N Disappeared after the Seanchan attack on the White Tower. Very weak in the One Power.
Namine Tasil Domani - - - - <50 <28 - A L N Daughter of one of Cadsuane's informants in Bandar Eban.
Negaine Unknown - - - - - - - - A N Her quarters were displaced due to the Dark one affecting reality.
Nesune Bihara Kandori 15 5 4 3 174 150 15 A L N 1 Captured at Dumai's Wells. Min sees she will found a library.
Nyein Kalede Atha'an Miere - - - - 70+ 22+ 26 A L N None Librarian in 13th Repository.
Phaedrine Unknown 35 - - 23 - - - A R N Thought Anaiya and Kairen had been murderd by a male wilder. Taught Egwene as a novice.
Pylar Unknown - - - - - - - A N Fought alongside Ewgene in the Last Battle
Razina Hazzan Saldaean 28 7 6 16 130 101 16 A L N Captured at Dumai's Wells. Only mentioned in the Companion.
Rosara Medrano Tairen 32 - - 20 - - - A U N Left in Cairhien by Cadsuane to keep an eye on events there.
Saerin Asnobar Altaran 14 12 10 2 219 180 17 A L N None Sitter in the White Tower. Black Ajah Hunter.  Former member of the Daughters of Silence.
Sareitha Tomares Tairen 26 10 8 14 35 2 15 D R N Ned Yarman Sent as part of the Salidar embassy to Queen Tylin. Murdered by Chesmal Emry in 1000 NE.
Serafelle Tanisloe Murandian 23 10 4 11 138 95 29 A L N Wilder who was married with three children. Lied about her age to enter the Tower.
Shemari Unknown - - - - - - - A R N Taught Egwene as a Novice.
Shevan Gadarin Kandori 18 4 6 6 157 131 16 D L N Sitter in Elaida's Hall. Killed by the Black Ajah in 1000 NE.
Takima Deraighdin Andoran 23 9 6 11 156 126 14 A R N Sitter in the White Tower and Rebel Halls.
Theodrin Dabei Domani 15 11 7 3 34 <1 16 A R N Jonneth Dowtry (likely) Raised to Aes Sedai by decree in 999 NE. Former Wilder with a block.
Valera Gorovni Kandori? 14 8 6 2 231 200 17 D - N Murdered by the Black Ajah in 979 NE. Age at time of death.
Verin Mathwin Far Madding 17 5 6 5 151 125 15 D U Y Tomas. Balinor (dead). Secretly a double-agent that brought about the downfall of the Black Ajah.
Zemaille Amassa Atha'an Miere 25 10 10 13 69 20 29 A L N None Librarian in 13th Repository. Lied about her age to enter the Tower.