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Red Ajah sister

The table below lists all known named members of the Red Ajah together with information about each, mostly from The Wheel of Time Companion.

Key to Columns

  • Nat: Nationality.
  • Str: Strength on the 72-level scale in the One Power. 72 is the weakest level. All Aes Sedai have a minimum strength of 45.
  • Nov: Years spent as a novice.
  • Acc: Years spent as Accepted.
  • Rank: Strength on alternative scale with 1 being the strongest Aes Sedai in the White Tower at the beginning of the series. All Aes Sedai have a minimum rank of 33.
  • Age: Age by the end of 1000 NE or at time of death.
  • AS: Years wearing the shawl.
  • Enr: Age when entered into the novice book.
  • Stat: Dead (D) or Alive (A), Captured (C). Unless proven otherwise, sisters are assumed to be alive by default.
  • DF: Darkfriend Yes (Y) or No (N).
  • Bonds: Warders or people they are bonded to or by. For Red Ajah, we assume they are not bonded unless we know otherwise.
  • Notes: Any other important information.

All the Red sisters were Loyalists during the White Tower Schism. They, at least, kept any criticisms of Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan in private and there were no know Red sisters in the Rebel or unaligned groups. The Amyrlins Bonwhin Meraighdin and Tetsuan do not appear in this table.

Name Nat. Str. Nov. Acc. Rank Age AS Enr. Stat. DF Bonds Notes
Aelidas Unknown - - - - - - - - N None In charge of the mission to capture Mazrim Taim. Only in the Wheel of Time RPG.
Amira Moselle Taraboner 27 11 9 15 177 140 16 D N None Died at Dumai's Wells. Former Sitter. Former Mistress of Novices.
Barasine Unknown - - - - - - - A N None Sitter in the White Tower
Caren Endelle Unknown 37 - - 25 - - - A - None Escaped Dumai's Wells. Only mentioned in the Companion.
Cariandre Temalien Ghealdanin 35 13 12 23 68 28 15 A - None Involved in the illegal gentling of men, but followed orders reluctantly
Chisaine Nurbaya Domani - - - - - - - A N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. One of the last four to swear to Rand.
Covarla Baldene Unknown 21 9 5 9 81 50 17 A - None Escaped Dumai's Wells
Desala Nevanche Cairhienin - - - - - - - C N None Went to the Black Tower with Pevara. Turned.
Duhara Basaheen Domani 23 12 9 11 236 200 15 D Y None Sitter in the White Tower. Former Keeper of the Chronicles.
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan Murandian 13 3 3 1 50 27 17 C N None Former Amyrlin Seat and Sitter. Made into damane.
Galina Casban Unknown 14 9 7 2 125 93 16 C Y None Member of the Supreme Council. Former Highest. Slave to Therava.
Gyldan Unknown - - - - - - - - Y None Appears during Egwene's Accepted test.
Innina Darenhold Taraboner - - - - - - - A N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. One of the last four to swear to Rand.
Jamilila Norsish Unknown - - - - - - - C - None Captured and made damane. Very weak in the One Power.
Janine Pavlara Arafellin 27 11 9 15 37 2 15 A N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. One of the last four to swear to Rand.
Javindhra Doraille Cairhienin? 25 6 5 13 158 131 16 C N None Sitter in the White Tower. Went with Pevara to Bond Asha'man. Turned.
Jenare Balmaen Unknown 25 - - 13 - - - C N Welyn Kajima Part of the Black Tower force. Turned.
Jezrail Tairen - - - - 100+ - - C N None Went to the Black Tower with Pevara. Turned.
Katerine Alruddin Unknown 15 8 7 3 50 18 17 D Y None Captured at Dumai's Wells, but escaped. Mistress of Novices.
Kryalyn Unknown - - - - - - - - Y None Second in command of the team capturing Taim. Only in the WoT RPG.
Laigin Arnault Taraboner - - - - - - - D - None Died at Dumai's Wells.
Lemai Ambani Unknown 15 6 8 3 - - - C N Morly Hardlin Part of the Black Tower force.
Liandrin Guirale Taraboner 14 5 5 2 36 11 15 C Y None Captured and made da'covale to Suroth
Lirene Doirellin Cairhienin 24 8 6 12 180 151 15 A N None Former Sitter unchaired as a result of illegal gentlings.
Llana Borderlander - - - - - - - - Y None Part of the team sent to capture Taim. Only in the WoT RPG.
Melare Andoran - - - - 50-70 - - C N None Went to the Black Tower with Pevara. Turned.
Memara Unknown 34 - - 22 - - - A - None Sent as advisor to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea
Murane Borderlander - - - - - - - - Y None Part of the team sent to capture Taim. Only in the WoT RPG.
Nesita Unknown 21+ - - 9+ - - - D Y None Killed by Egwene in Tel'Aran'Rhiod.
Notasha Unknown - - - - - - - A N None Fought on the side of the Light during the Last Battle
Patrinda Unknown - - - - - - - A N None
Pevara Tazanovni Kandori 14 6 5 2 161 134 16 A N Androl Genhald Sitter in the White Tower. Black Ajah Hunter. Sent to the Black Tower.
Raechin Connoral Murandian? - - - - - - - A N None Sitter in the White Tower
Sashalle Anderly Andoran? 14 9 6 2 184 153 16 D N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. Stilled, but later Healed.
Silviana Brehon Amadician 15 12 11 3 151 110 18 A N None Mistress of Novices under Elaida. Keeper under Egwene.
Tarna Feir Altaran 19 9 6 7 50 21 14 C N None Keeper under Elaida. Went to the Black Tower with Pevara. Turned.
Tesien Jorhald Taraboner? - - - - - - - - - None An Aes Sedai when Pevara and Seaine were Accepted. Possibly a Former Highest.
Teslyn Baradon Illianer 17 7 5 5 130 103 15 A N None Sitter in the White Tower. Made damane, but freed by Mat.
Toveine Gazal Saldaean 19 11 10 7 189 150 18 C N Logain Ablar Former Sitter unchaired as a result of illegal gentlings. Leader of the Black Tower force. Turned.
Tsutama Rath Kandori 21 7 6 9 173 146 14 A N None Former Sitter unchaired as a result of illegal gentlings. Current Highest.
Turese Unknown - - - - - <4 - A N None Newly raised
Valene Sural Unknown 21 5 6 9 28 1 16 A N None Escaped Dumai's Wells. Only mentioned in the Companion.
Vayelle Kamsa Unknown 34 13 11 22 86 44 18 A N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. One of the last four to swear to Rand.
Viria Connoral Murandian? - - - - - - - A N None Sitter in the White Tower
Xanthe Unknown - - - - - - - - Y None Part of the team sent to capture Taim. Only in the WoT RPG.