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The Flame of Tar Valon with white background.

The table below lists all known named members of the White Ajah together with information about each, mostly from The Wheel of Time Companion. It does not contain information about the Amyrlins Rabayn Marushta, Beryl Marle and Aliane Senican about which we only know their terms of office.

Key to Columns

  • Nat: Nationality.
  • Str: Strength on the 72-level scale in the One Power used in the Companion. 72 is the weakest level. All Aes Sedai have a minimum strength of 45.
  • Nov: Years spent as a novice.
  • Acc: Years spent as Accepted.
  • Rank: Strength on alternative scale with 1 being the strongest Aes Sedai in the White Tower at the beginning of the series. + indicates levels stronger than level 1. All Aes Sedai have a minimum rank of 33.
  • Age: Age by the end of 1000 NE or at time of death.
  • AS: Years wearing the shawl.
  • Enr: Age when enrolled as a Novice. For unknown entries, almost every sister is enrolled between the ages of 14 and 18.
  • Stat: Status. Dead (D) or Alive (A), Captured (C). Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all sisters are assumed to be alive.
  • Fact: Which faction they were in during the White Tower Schism. White Tower loyalist (L), Rebel Aes Sedai (R), Neutral (N), Unknown (U). If blank, none of these apply.
  • DF: If they are a Darkfriend/Black Ajah (Y) or not (N).
  • Bonds: Warders or people they are bonded to or by.
  • Notes: Any other important information.
Name Nat. Str. Nov. Acc. Rank Age AS Enr. Stat. Fact. DF Bonds Notes
Aledrin Malenry Taraboner 24 9 6 12 50 21 14 A R N At least one Asha'man Sitter in the Rebel Hall.
Alviarin Freidhen Amadician 17 5 5 5 57 31 16 C L Y None Head of the Black Ajah. Former Keeper of the Chronicles
Astrelle Unknown - - - - - - - A L N - Arithmetist
Ayako Norsoni Arafellin 18 - - 6 - - - C L N Donalo Sandomere Part of the Black Tower force. Turned
Berana Shemon Shienaran 28 10 8 16 70 35 17 A R N - Sitter in the Rebel Hall.
Bernaile Gelbarn Taraboner 16 7 9 4 81 48 17 A R N None One of the ferrets
Brendas Unknown 16 12 10 4 54 15 17 A R N None One of the circle that Healed Mat
Carlinya Sorevin Kandori 15 5 5 3 46 21 15 D R N None One of the Salidar Six
Daigian Moseneillin Cairhienin 45 27 21 33 93 31 14 D U N Eben Hopwil Murdered during Semirhage's escape
Falion Bhoda Kandori 17 7 6 5 127 98 16 D - Y None One of Liandrin's thirteen. Killed during the Last Battle
Fera Sormen Unknown 33 13 9 21 136 96 18 - L Y None Captured at Dumai's Wells. Fate unknown.
Ferane Neheran Domani 21 9 6 9 273 243 15 A L N None First Reasoner and long-standing Sitter
Kateri Nepvue Unknown - - - - 45-65 [1] 20 - D L N None Murdered by Bloodknives
Mayam Colona Tairen 21 12 8 9 40 3 17 A L N None Captured at Dumai's Wells. Doesn't appear ageless
Meilyn Arganya Unknown 10 7 6 +3 281 252 16 D - N Andro Murdered in New Spring. Age at time of death.
Merym Arafellin - - - - - - - A L N - -
Miyasi Unknown - - - - 200+ [2] 155+ [3] - - L Y - Fate unknown. Most Blacks in the Tower escaped.
Nagora Cairhienin - - - - - - - A L N 1 -
Norine Dovarna Unknown - - - - - - - A L N None -
Nubei Peldovni Arafellin - - - - - - - A L N - Escaped Dumai's Wells. Only mentioned in Companion
Ramesa Arafellin - - - - - - - A L N - -
Rianna Andomeran Kandori 21 9 7 9 76 44 16 C - Y None One of Liandrin's thirteen
Ronaille Vevanios Illianer 27 - - 15 - - - A L N - Stilled at Dumai's Wells, but later Healed
Sarene Nemdahl Taraboner 18 6 5 6 45 19 15 C [4] L N Vitalien Captured at Dumai's Wells. Captured by Graendal.
Saroiya Farseen Domani 24 13 11 12 143 103 16 A R N - Sitter in the Rebel Hall and White Tower
Seaine Herimon Murandian 17 6 4 5 159 134 15 A L N At least one Asha'man Sitter in the White Tower. Black Ajah hunter
Sereille Bagand Far Madding 21 12 11 9 304 265 15 D - N - Former Amyrlin. Age at time of death.
Shana Goridien Unknown 35 11 9 23 118 82 16 A R N - Expert at reading residues sent to Shadar Logoth
Tesan Taraboner - - - - - - - A L N - Arithmetist
Turanna Norill Unknown 26 - - 14 - - - A L N - Captured at Dumai's Wells
Valinde Nathenos Illianer 33 - - 21 - - - A R N None Part of the Rebel Aes Sedai's embassy to Rand al'Thor
Velina Behar Saldaean 25 11 9 13 141 103 18 A L Y None Sitter in the White Tower. Member of the Supreme Council
Wyndera Ovan Unknown 27 [5] - 15 [5] - - - - A L N - Escaped Dumai's Wells. Only mentioned in the Companion.
Zerah Dacan Mayener 19 7 8 7 72 42 15 A R N None One of the ferrets.


  1. Assumes she is raised to full Aes Sedai between the ages of 25 and 45. Some exceptions lie beyond this range.
  2. Miyasi's iron gray hair places her as extremely old for an Aes Sedai. Also see Aes Sedai aging.
  3. Assuming Miyasi was raised to the shawl younger than 45. Only exceptional cases are raised later.
  4. Although Sarene is technically alive when we last see her, she may no longer be capable of thinking of herself.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Strength from Robert Jordan's notes as reported by the Thirteenth Depository. [1]