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A gleeman holding his harp.

There are many songs mentioned in the series, sometimes with the same tune but a different name. They are played in taverns, inns and at campfires by gleemen, bards, musicians, dancing girls or soldiers seeking to entertain or be entertained. Lyrics for several are provided in the chapters and are included here where they exist. For The Song that is sought after by the Tuatha'an, see the relevant section of that page.

Always Choose the Right Horse: See The Marriage of Cinny Wade.

Berin's Retreat: See The Wind from the North.

Blue Sky Dawning': May not be a real song. It was used as a code word by Siuan Sanche at an inn in Lugard.[1]

The Dancing Lass: See A Lugard Girl.

Cock o' the North: Was played by Rand al'Thor in Four Kings at the Dancing Cartman to earn lodging for the night. [2]

Come Ye Maids: Sung at the firepits of the Band of the Red Hand as Matrim Cauthon prepared to leave for the Tower of Ghenjei.[3]

Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap: Played by Rand al'Thor for the Grinwell family.[4] Also sung by the Two Rivers men when Perrin Aybara leads them to Emond's Field.[5]

My home is waiting there for me,
and the girl I left behind.
Of all the treasure that waits for me,
that’s what I want to find.
Her eyes so merry, and her smile so sweet,
her hugs so warm, and her ankle neat,
her kisses hot, now there’s a treat.
If there’s a treasure greater, it lies not in my mind.
Oh, I have seen stark Tarwin’s Gap,
and the Trollocs’ raving horde.
I have stood ‘fore the Halfman’s charge,
and walked on death’s cold borde.
But a winsome lass, she waits for me,
for a dance, and a kiss ‘neath the apple tree . . .[5]

The Color of Trust: The name of a song that Matrim Cauthon remembers while dancing in Salidar. He has the memory of the man that wrote the song, or at least those lyrics. Given the company of so many Aes Sedai, he thinks it unlikely that those lyrics are known or intended by the musicians.[6] Several incarnations of this song have been composed and performed by fans. See External Links.

Give me your trust, said the Aes Sedai.
On my shoulders I support the sky.
Trust me to know and to do what is best,
And I will take care of the rest.
But trust is the color of a dark seed growing.
Trust is the color of a heart’s blood flowing.
Trust is the color of a soul’s last breath.
Trust is the color of death.
Give me your trust, said the queen on her throne,
for I must bear the burden all alone.
Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule,
and no man will think you a fool.
But trust is the sound of the grave-dog’s bark.
Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark.
Trust is the sound of a soul’s last breath.
Trust is the sound of death.
Give me your trust, said the king on high...
Give me your trust, said the lady and lord...
Give me your trust, said the love of your life...
Trust is the taste of death.

Colors of the Sun: See Jolly Jaim.


Dance with Jak o' the Shadows: A song usually sung by Matrim Cauthon and the Band of the Red Hand. According to Mat, it has not been heard since Aldeshar fell to Artur Hawkwing 1,000 years before.[verify] For full lyrics and other parallels, see the main page.

Darling Sara: See Ferry O'er the River.

The Drunken Peddlar: See Tinker in the Kitchen.

Fallen Willows at Noon: Sung at the firepits of the Band of the Red Hand as Mat prepared to leave for the Tower of Ghenjei.[3]

Ferry O'er the River: Played by Rand al'Thor in Arien to earn lodging for the night.[4] Also known as Darling Sara.

The First Rose of Summer: Played by Thomdril Merrilin at the Three Plum Court inn in Tanchico.[7]

Fluff the Feathers: A song that Matrim Cauthon recognizes while dancing in Salidar. He thinks of it as "a good country dance."[6]

The Fool Who Thought He Was King: A song popular in Cairhien during the civil war. Jasin Natael played it, to the annoyance of Rand al'Thor. [8]

Forward the Lion: Sung by a crowd in the streets of Caemlyn. [9]

Forward the Lion, forward the Lion,
the White Lion takes the field.
Roar defiance at the Shadow.
Forward the Lion, forward, Andor triumphant.

Asmodean fan art done by John Seamas Gallagher.

A Frog On the Ice: Hummed by Talmanes Delovinde as Matrim Cauthon tries to impress Betse Silvin, a serving girl at The Golden Stag.[10]

Goodman Priket's Pipe: See River Iralell.

Hard Rain Falling: See The Wind from the North.

Heron on the Wing: A song from Emond's Field.[11]

I Have Loved a Thousand Sailor Men: A song taught by Temaile to Amathera.[12]

My breasts are round, and my hips are too
I can flatten a whole ship's crew.
My thighs are strong are strong as anchor chain.
My kiss can burst —[13]

'I'm Down at the Bottom of the Well: A song that Matrim Cauthon hums at several points in the story; during his escape from Tar Valon, when caught at spearpoint by Aiel at the Stone of Tear, and as he plans his escape from Ebou Dar. Mat also remembers the tune as belonging to The Last Stand at Mandenhar, a song from the Court of Takedo, in Farashelle over a thousand years ago.[14]

I'm down at the bottom of the well,
It's night, and the rain is coming down
The sides are falling in
and there's no rope to climb,
I'm down at the bottom of the well.

I Will Steal Your Breath With Kisses: A song that Tylin hums to Mat. The song is known in Ebou Dar. [15]

If You Go To Be a Soldier: A recruiting song and sung by The Band of the Red Hand.[10]

You’ll feed on beans and on rotten hay,
and a horse’s hoof come your naming day.
You’ll sweat and bleed till you grow old,
and your only gold will be dreams of gold,
if you go to be a soldier.
If you go to be a soldier.
Your girl will marry another man.
A muddy grave will be all your land.
Food for the worms and none to mourn.
You’ll curse the day you were ever born,
if you go to be a soldier.
if you go to be a soldier.

Jaem's Folly: A song in Emond's Field.[11]

Jolly Jaim: Played by Rand al'Thor in Four Kings at the Dancing Cartman to earn lodging for the night.[2] It is also known as Rhea's Fling and Colors of the Sun.

Lament for the Long Night: A song that Rand plays on his flute at the The Counsel’s Head inn in Far Madding. Rand does not know the song – it comes from Lews Therin’s memory.[16]

Life is a Dream: Lyrics that open an Aiel dirge for the dead. The song is a haunting melody sung in parts. The Aiel sing it for the dead after Dumai's Wells. [17]

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go.
Who would sleep — when the new dawn waits?
Who would sleep — when the sweet winds blow?
A dream must end — when the new day comes.
This dream from which — we wake and go.

A Lugard Girl: A song heard by Perrin Aybara at the Easing the Badger inn in Illian.[18]

Perrin knows the tune as The Dancing Lass.

A Lugard girl, she came to town,
to see what she could see.
With a wink of her eye, and a smile on her lip,
she snagged a boy or three, or three.
With an ankle slim, and skin so pale,
she caught the owner of a ship, a ship.
With a soft little sigh, and a gay little laugh,
she made her way so free.
So free.
..I'll wear no shift at all.
At all.

The Marriage of Cinny Wade: A slow, haunting song that Mat heard Thom play at the Two Apples inn in Caemlyn. Mat had learned the song as Always Choose the Right Horse, and it was played faster.[19]

Midean's Ford: A song played by Jasin Natael in the Aiel Waste. [20] It is a tragic tale about the defeat of King Buiryn and the forces of Manetheren at Midean's Ford at the hands of King Aedomon and the forces of Safer. Aedomon was so impressed by ther bravery and loyalty to their king that he allowed the survivors to return home and turne his own forces back to Safer. Asmodean knew the song and the story behind it, despite being bound in Shayol Ghul since before the founding of Manetheren. Robert Jordan said that the Forsaken were somewhat aware of the outside world as time passed, but exactly how they gained knowledge is unknown.

Soft, the winds, like springtime’s fingers.
Soft, the rains, like heaven’s tears.
Soft, the years roll by in gladness,
never hinting storms to come,
never hinting whirlwinds’ ravage,
rain of steel and battle thunder,
war to tear the heart asunder.
...Back across the blood-red water,
marching back with heads held high.
No surrender, arm or sword,
no surrender, heart or soul.
Honor be theirs, ever after,
honor all the Age shall know.

Mistress Aynora's Rooster: Rand al'Thor played this for the Grinwell family. [4] It is also heard by Perrin Aybara at the Easing the Badger inn in Illian.[21]

My Love Is a Wild Rose : A song known in Emond's Field. Perrin Aybara heard it playing when he awoke after shooting Slayer in the Wolf Dream.[22]

My Loves are So Many: A song heard in The White Ring, an inn in Maderin. [23]

As I walked out one fine spring day,
I met young Jac who was pitching hay,
his hair so fair, and his eyes were too.
Well. I gave him a kiss; oh, what could I do?
We snuggled and we tickled while the sun rose high.
and I won't say how often he made me sigh.
Now Jac gels an hour when the sky is clear,
and Willi gets an hour when my father's not near.
It's the hayloft with Moril for he shows no fear,
and Keilin comes at midday: he's oh so bold!
Brelan gets an evening when the night is cold.
Master Andril gets a morning, but he's very old.
Oh. what, oh what is a poor girl to do?
My loves are so many and the hours so few.

"Ogier Song": The Ogier sing this song. The name of the song, if it has any, is unknown.[24]

Clear the field, smooth it low.
Let no weed or stubble stand.
Here we labor, here we toil,
here the towering trees will grow.

The Old Black Bear: Played by Rand al'Thor for the Grinwell family.[4]

The Old Gray Goose: A funny song played by Thomdril Merrilin at the Three Plum Court inn in Tanchico. [7]

Old Jak's Up a Tree : Played by Rand al'Thor at The Nine Rings inn.[25]

The Old Two Rivers Leaf: Played by Rand al'Thor at The Nine Rings inn.[25]

Only One Boot: A funny song played by Thomdril Merrilin at the Three Plum Court inn in Tanchico. [7]

Only One Bucket of Water: Played by Thomdril Merrilin in Baerlon.[26]

'Pretty Maids Dancing: See Three Girls in a Meadow.

Rhea's Fling: See Jolly Jaim.

River Iralell: A song known in Cairhien. Rand al'Thor knew it as Goodman Priket's Pipe and played it at The Nine Rings inn.[25]

We rode down to River Iralell just to see the Taren come.
We stood along the riverbank with the rising of the sun.
Their horses blacked the summer plain, their banners blacked the sky.
But we stood our ground on the banks of River Iralell.
Oh, we stood our ground. Yes, we stood our ground.
Stood our ground along the river in the morning.

The Road to Dun Aren: Played by Rand al'Thor in Arien to earn lodging for the night.[4]

Rooster in the Gumtree: A song that Min Farshaw thought sounded like the tune Rand al'Thor played on the flute in the Sun Palace in Cairhien.[27]

Rose of the Morning: A tune that Rand al'Thor played on his flute, at a campsite on his way to Tear. [28]

Shaido taunt: A song was composed by an insightful and creative Shaido while being interrogated by Perrin.[29]

I once met a man who was far from home.
His eyes were yellow and his wits were stone.
He asked me to hold smoke in my hand,
and said he could show me a watery land.
He put his head in the ground and his feet in the air,
and said he could dance like a woman fair.
He said he could stand till he turned to stone.
When I blinked my eyes, he was gone.

She Dazzles My Eyes and Clouds My Mind: A song that Matrim Cauthon hums in Ebou Dar. In Ebou Dar it is known as Upside Down and 'Round and 'Round.[15]

She Wore a Mask That Hid Her Face: A song hummed by Matrim Cauthon after Thomdril Merrilin killed a Darkfriend. [30] ' The Song: See The Song.

The Song of a Hundred Days: A song which includes the story of Villiam Bloodletter, who attacked and defeated the Banath people.[31]

The Song of Three Fishes: May not be a real song. It was used as a code word by Siuan Sanche at an inn in Lugard.[1]

Sweet Whispers of Tomorrow: "A mournful sound, played for the fallen dead." [32] Thom played it as he, Mat and Moiraine were about to be overrun by the Aelfinn.

Oh, how long were the days of a man.
When he strode upon the broken land.
He sailed as far as a man could steer.
And he never wished to lose his fear.
For the fear of man is a thing untold.
It keeps him safe, and it proves him bold!
Don't let fear make you cease to strive,
for that fear it proves you remain alive!
I will walk this broken road,
and I will carry a heavy load!
So come at me with your awful lies,
I'm a man of truth and I'll meet your eyes!

Three Girls in a Meadow: A song known in Emond's Field. It is also known to the Tuatha'an as Pretty Maids Dancing.[33]

The Tinker Has My Pots: A song known in Emond's Field. The Tuatha'an know it as Toss the Feathers. [33]

Tinker in the Kitchen: Matrim Cauthon sang this while in the Aiel Waste.[34]The lyrics fit to the tune of "Skip to My Lou", but this may be coincidence. This song was also played, under the title The Drunken Peddlar, by Rand al'Thor in Four Kings at the Dancing Cartman to earn lodging for the night and again while at the Counsel's Head in Far Madding.[2][16] Rand thinks the song jolly enough to wake the dead.

Tinker in the kitchen; with a job of work to do.
Mistress up above, slipping on a robe of blue.
She dances down the staircase, her fancy all so free,
crying, Tinker, oh, dear Tinker, won’t you mend a pot for me? [34]

Toss the Feathers: See The Tinker Has My Pots.

Two Kings Came Hunting: Played by Rand al'Thor in Four Kings at the Dancing Cartman to earn lodging for the night. [2] It is also known as Two Horses Running.

Upside Down and 'Round and 'Round: See She Dazzles My Eyes and Clouds My Mind.

Wash the Spears: An Aiel battle chant.

Wash the spears — while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears — while the sun falls low.
Wash the spears — Who fears to die?
Wash the spears — No one I know!
Wash the spears — while life holds true.
Wash the spears — until life ends.
Wash the spears...
...Wash the spears — Life is a dream.
Wash the spears — All dreams must end.
Wash the spears — till shade is gone.
Wash the spears — till water turns dry.
Wash the spears — How long from home?
Wash the spears — Until I die!
Wash the spears — till the sun grows cold.
Wash the spears — till water runs free.
Wash the spears...
Wash the spears — while I breathe.
Wash the spears — my steel is bright.
Wash the spears... [35]

We're Over the Border Again : A song hummed by Matrim Cauthon as he leaves Tar Valon.[36]

What He Said To Me: Sung by a woman at The Tremalking Splice, a tavern in Tar Valon. Matrim Cauthon remembered it as Will You Dance With Me.[36]

The Wheel Turns: Poem composed by Doreille Torghin.[37]

The Wheel has turned, for better or worse.
And it will keep on turning,
As lights die and forests dim,
Storms call and skies break.
Turn it will.
The Wheel is not hope,
And the Wheel does not care,
The Wheel simply is.
But so long as it turns,
Folk may hope, folk may care.
For with light that fades, another will eventually grow,
And each storm that rages must eventually die.
As long as the Wheel turns. As long as it turns...

Wild Geese on the Wing: Song played by Thomdril Merrilin in Baerlon.[26]

The Wind From the North: A song known in Emond's Field. According to the Tuatha'an, it is also known as Hard Rain Falling and Berin's Retreat.[33] Hard Rain Falling may be a reference to the Bob Dylan song 'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall from the album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, which also contains the songs Blowin' in the Wind and Girl from the North, which features the wind prominently, possible sources for the name The Wind from the North.

The Wind in the Barley is a song from Emond's Field.[11] This could be a reference to the old Irish folk song The Wind that Shakes the Barley

The Wind that Shakes the Willow: A song played by Thomdril Merrilin in Baerlon[26] and again played by Thom in the Tower of Ghenjei.[38]

My love is gone, carried away,
by the wind that shakes the willow,
and all the land is beaten hard,
by the wind that shakes the willow.
But I will hold her close to me
in heart and dearest memory,
and with her strength to steel my soul,
her love to warm my heart-strings,
I will stand where we once sang,
though cold wind shakes the willow.

External links[]

  • Fan performance of A Lugard Girl at Dragon*Con. [1]
  • Fan performance of Tinker in the Kitchen at Dragon*Con [2]. This is also played in videos by the Wheel of Time fan and YouTuber Nae'blis.
  • Fan versions of The Colour of Trust'. This song is unfinished in the book, and there are several fan versions of the completed song.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
  • Songs TVlink used in the television series.

