A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"A woman's eyes cut deeper than a knife."
   —Two Rivers saying

Book Index


The First Message
1 Lion on the Hill
2 A New Arrival
3 A Woman's Eyes
4 A Sense of Humor
5 A Different Dance
6 Threads Woven of Shadow
7 A Matter of Thought
8 The Storm Gathers
9 Plans
10 A Saying in the Borderlands
11 Lessons and Teachers
12 Questions and Answers
13 Under the Dust
14 Dreams and Nightmares
15 A Pile of Sand
16 Tellings of the Wheel
17 The Wheel of a Life
18 A Taste of Solitude
19 Matters of Toh
20 From the Stedding
21 To Shadar Logoth
22 Heading South
23 To Understand a Message
24 An Embassy
25 Like Lightning and Rain
26 Connecting Lines
27 Gifts
28 Letters
29 Fire and Spirit
30 To Heal Again
31 Red Wax
32 Summoned in Haste
33 Courage to Strengthen
34 Journey to Salidar
35 In the Hall of the Sitters
36 The Amyrlin Is Raised
37 When Battle Begins
38 A Sudden Chill
39 Possibilities
40 Unexpected Laughter
41 A Threat
42 The Black Tower
43 The Crown of Roses
44 The Color of Trust
45 A Bitter Thought
46 Beyond the Gate
47 The Wandering Woman
48 Leaning on the Knife
49 The Mirror of Mists
50 Thorns
51 The Taking
52 Weaves of the Power
53 The Feast of Lights
54 The Sending
55 Dumai's Wells

The Answer

<<<   A Woman's Eyes    >>>
Setting: The Farm, Royal Palace of Andor


Point of view: Rand al'Thor

Rand channels a Gateway to the farm, his training center for men who can channel. As he goes through, Aviendha calls for him to wait. Rand lets the Gateway close since he is avoiding her. Rand gives Taim some advice on the various dangers that threaten, the Forsaken, Trollocs, Myrddraal, Draghkar, Gray Men, Gholam, and Darkhounds. They arrive at the farm where women are doing laundry, children are playing, and a lot of men are doing chores. The men gather around and Rand asks Taim to begin testing them to see if they can channel since Rand does not know how.

Damer Flinn is picked by Taim as the first to be tested. Taim channels a flame between the men and then just waits to see if Damer feels something in time. After a few minutes Rand feels the resonance Taim spoke of, but Taim doesn't say anything for a couple more minutes so Rand noticed it sooner. The testing will take too long, so Rand decides to head back and leave the testing and training to Taim. Rand wants to have as many men as there are Aes Sedai.

Rand asks Taim to seize saidin so he can gauge his strength, which is a little short of Rand's. Lews Therin continues to pester Rand until he finally shouts at the voice in his head to shut up, which it does. Rand continues with his errands, but also with trying to dodge Aviendha. Rand travels to an empty tent, somewhere far away.







  • Men believe the worst easily, and women believe it hides something still darker. -Two Rivers saying
  • A woman's eyes cut deeper than a knife. -Two Rivers saying
