A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


The First Message
1 Lion on the Hill
2 A New Arrival
3 A Woman's Eyes
4 A Sense of Humor
5 A Different Dance
6 Threads Woven of Shadow
7 A Matter of Thought
8 The Storm Gathers
9 Plans
10 A Saying in the Borderlands
11 Lessons and Teachers
12 Questions and Answers
13 Under the Dust
14 Dreams and Nightmares
15 A Pile of Sand
16 Tellings of the Wheel
17 The Wheel of a Life
18 A Taste of Solitude
19 Matters of Toh
20 From the Stedding
21 To Shadar Logoth
22 Heading South
23 To Understand a Message
24 An Embassy
25 Like Lightning and Rain
26 Connecting Lines
27 Gifts
28 Letters
29 Fire and Spirit
30 To Heal Again
31 Red Wax
32 Summoned in Haste
33 Courage to Strengthen
34 Journey to Salidar
35 In the Hall of the Sitters
36 The Amyrlin Is Raised
37 When Battle Begins
38 A Sudden Chill
39 Possibilities
40 Unexpected Laughter
41 A Threat
42 The Black Tower
43 The Crown of Roses
44 The Color of Trust
45 A Bitter Thought
46 Beyond the Gate
47 The Wandering Woman
48 Leaning on the Knife
49 The Mirror of Mists
50 Thorns
51 The Taking
52 Weaves of the Power
53 The Feast of Lights
54 The Sending
55 Dumai's Wells

The Answer

<<<   The Color of Trust    >>>
Setting: Salidar, Altara


Point of view: Matrim Cauthon

Mat is rebuffed in his attempt to meet with Egwene. Elayne and Aviendha have disappeared, Nynaeve runs away every time she sees him, and Thom and Juilin are nowhere to be found, either. So Mat just enjoys himself by dancing in the celebration for the new Amyrlin. He dances with Halima, who flaunts her bosom and watches to see if Matt looks at it. She isn't a very good dancer; partly because she tries to lead most of the time. She makes Mat a little uncomfortable, so he takes leave of her. As he walks away from her, his medallion goes cold, an indication of channeling. When Mat turns around, Halima is looking at him with a shocked expression.[1] Myrelle approaches Mat about becoming her Warder, which he declines. He asks Siuan to dance before realizing who she is and she tells him to get lost. Leane swoops him up and dances with him. She not like the Keeper he remembers. When the dance is over, she kisses him and tells him that he's a good dancer.

The next morning Vanin is back and Olver has come along, too. That day Mat receives five offers to become a Warder. The next day he is finally summoned to meet with Egwene, again. He is told that either he can go with Elayne and Nynaeve to Ebou Dar or be on his way with his army. He decides Ebou Dar is his only choice because of the promise he made to Rand. Before he leaves he tells Talmanes to shadow the Aes Sedai if they decide to start moving, and if Egwene ever comes to them, they are to grab her, carve their way through Gareth Bryne's army, and deliver her to Caemlyn.

The next morning Mat meets up with the Ebou Dar party consisting of Elayne, Nynaeve, Birgitte, Aviendha, Vandene, Adeleas, and a warder. Thom and Juilin also show up. Egwene arrives to see them off. Mat notices the other Aes Sedai pretty much ignoring Egwene. He decides that is intolerable and gives Egwene an elaborate bow, which startles the other Aes Sedai. Mat's men follow suit, and Egwene thanks him for the show of support. Elayne then opens a Gateway to a location several days away from Ebou Dar. Elayne seems pretty pleased with herself, but Mat is irritated that the Gateway is too small to ride through, so everyone must dismount.

Point of view: Egwene al'Vere

Egwene wonders what orders Mat gave to Talmanes, but expects they were to follow her. The Aes Sedai have already started preparing to move toward Tar Valon and she plans to use the Band.








  1. Did Logain sense Halima using saidin?
