A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"What can't be changed must be endured."
   — oft said saying by Lini Eltring

Book Index


The First Message
1 Lion on the Hill
2 A New Arrival
3 A Woman's Eyes
4 A Sense of Humor
5 A Different Dance
6 Threads Woven of Shadow
7 A Matter of Thought
8 The Storm Gathers
9 Plans
10 A Saying in the Borderlands
11 Lessons and Teachers
12 Questions and Answers
13 Under the Dust
14 Dreams and Nightmares
15 A Pile of Sand
16 Tellings of the Wheel
17 The Wheel of a Life
18 A Taste of Solitude
19 Matters of Toh
20 From the Stedding
21 To Shadar Logoth
22 Heading South
23 To Understand a Message
24 An Embassy
25 Like Lightning and Rain
26 Connecting Lines
27 Gifts
28 Letters
29 Fire and Spirit
30 To Heal Again
31 Red Wax
32 Summoned in Haste
33 Courage to Strengthen
34 Journey to Salidar
35 In the Hall of the Sitters
36 The Amyrlin Is Raised
37 When Battle Begins
38 A Sudden Chill
39 Possibilities
40 Unexpected Laughter
41 A Threat
42 The Black Tower
43 The Crown of Roses
44 The Color of Trust
45 A Bitter Thought
46 Beyond the Gate
47 The Wandering Woman
48 Leaning on the Knife
49 The Mirror of Mists
50 Thorns
51 The Taking
52 Weaves of the Power
53 The Feast of Lights
54 The Sending
55 Dumai's Wells

The Answer

<<<   A Matter of Thought    >>>
Setting: Salidar, Tel'aran'rhiod

Point of view: Elayne Trakand

Elayne and Nynaeve are preparing for bed and a meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod. They are hoping to see Egwene but she has been kept from Tel'aran'rhiod since her encounter with Lanfear six weeks ago. This meeting will be with the Aes Sedai so they can learn some things before meeting with the Aiel Wise Ones the next night. Siuan and Leane wait with them until Sheriam, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle, Anaiya, and Beonin appear. The group moves to the White Tower so they can look through Elaida's correspondence and try to find out what is happening in the world. Leane disappears and Nynaeve is sent after her.

The rest divide themselves between Elaida's correspondence and Alviarin's. They find a warrant for Moiraine's arrest, which means that Elaida still does not know that Moiraine is dead. Shemerin ran away after being demoted from Aes Sedai to Accepted. The Blight is quiet. No news is coming from Tarabon or Arad Doman. Elaida still wants Elayne returned to the tower, no matter the cost. Suddenly there are screams from outside the room. The Aes Sedai rush out and are caught in a nightmare.

Instead of a hallway there is a cavern filled with Trollocs. The three Aes Sedai that had been in the other room are being tortured. The other three try to fight the nightmare but are drawn in to it also, despite Elayne trying to warn them. Elayne and Siuan try to dispel the nightmare but it is too large. They decide to enter the nightmare and get the Aes Sedai to deny its existence. Finally they banish the nightmare, then return to the waking world to heal their injuries.

Elayne makes a quick trip to the palace in Caemlyn and notices the changes Rand has made, then returns to the waking world.

Point of view: Demandred

Demandred notices Elayne, sees she dislikes changes Rand have made, but takes no action saying "let the Lord of Chaos rule".[1]








  1. Maybe it was Demandred who created the nightmare that caught the Aes Sedai.

Warning: Display title "" overrides earlier display title "<i>A Matter of Thought</i>".
