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See also: Statistical analysis

Lord of Chaos contains 55 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue and consists of 47 unique POVs and 139 individual POVs. It has a total word count of 395,195 words.

The Chapter by Chapter Breakdown sections lists the POVs in order by chapter. The percentage expressed here takes the total number of words in that section and divides it by the total word count. If a character has multiple POVs in the same chapter, they are listed again and not totaled up in one line.

The Unique POV Breakdown sections list all of the people (including Quotes and Narrator) who had POVs in the book. They are listed in the order of their appearance. The second column counts how many POVs they had. The third column divides the number of POVs the person had by the number of total POVs in the book. The fourth column lists the total word count for each POV. The fifth column divides the word count of the POV by the total word count. For example, in The Eye of the World, Rand al'Thor has 44 POVs. This is 74.586% of the total number of POVs (59) in the book. The next percentage indicates that 79.569% of the words in book are from Rand's point of view.

Chapter by Chapter Breakdown[]

Chapter Character Word Count Percentage
Prologue: The First Message Quote 41 0.0104%
Demandred 1,864 0.4717%
Nynaeve al'Meara 5,063 1.2813%
Elayne Trakand 4,046 1.0240%
Faile Bashere 6,021 1.5238%
Gawyn Trakand 2,591 0.6557%
Katerine Alruddin 1,001 0.2533%
Sevanna 637 0.1612%
Morgase Trakand 4,374 1.1070%
Pedron Niall 1,280 0.3239%
Mesaana 1,908 0.4829%
Osan'gar 1,272 0.3219%
Ch1: Lion on the Hill Rand al'Thor 6,490 1.6425%
Ch2: A New Arrival Rand al'Thor 5,591 1.4150%
Ch3: A Woman's Eyes Rand al'Thor 6,592 1.6683%
Ch4: A Sense of Humor Rand al'Thor 7,704 1.9497%
Ch5: A Different Dance Matrim Cauthon 12,582 3.1842%
Ch6: Threads Woven of Shadow Sammael 5,102 1.2912%
Graendal 986 0.2495%
Semirhage 3,091 0.7823%
Ch7: A Matter of Thought Elayne Trakand 11,728 2.9681%
Demandred 141 0.0357%
Ch8: The Storm Gathers Nynaeve al'Meara 9,990 2.5282%
Ch9: Plans Pedron Niall 5,208 1.3180%
Morgase Trakand 2,529 0.6400%
Ch10: A Saying in the Borderlands Rand al'Thor 8,249 2.0876%
Ch11: Lessons and Teachers Verin Mathwin 3,197 0.8091%
Rand al'Thor 2,531 0.6405%
Ch12: Questions and Answers Nynaeve al'Meara 8,590 2.1739%
Narrator 10 0.0025%
Ch13: Under the Dust Nynaeve al'Meara 7,829 1.9813%
Ch14: Dreams and Nightmares Egwene al'Vere 3,651 0.9240%
Nynaeve al'Meara 2,959 0.7489%
Ch15: A Pile of Sand Egwene al'Vere 4,030 1.0199%
Elayne Trakand 4,328 1.0953%
Sheriam Bayanar 129 0.0326%
Ch16: Tellings of the Wheel Rand al'Thor 5,811 1.4706%
Ch17: The Wheel of a Life Rand al'Thor 5,573 1.4104%
Ch18: A Taste of Solitude Rand al'Thor 4,031 1.0202%
Egwene al'Vere 3,380 0.8554%
Rand al'Thor 322 0.0815%
Sulin 149 0.0377%
Ch19: Matters of Toh Rand al'Thor 4,365 1.1047%
Aviendha 654 0.1655%
Ch20: From the Stedding Rand al'Thor 5,045 1.2768%
Ch21: To Shadar Logoth Rand al'Thor 5,347 1.3532%
Ch22: Heading South Matrim Cauthon 6,192 1.5671%
Ch23: To Understand a Message Graendal 1,811 0.4583%
Sammael 144 0.0364%
Ch24: An Embassy Egwene al'Vere 4,754 1.2031%
Ch25: Like Lightning and Rain Egwene al'Vere 6,090 1.5412%
Katerine Alruddin 78 0.0197%
Nesune Bihara 85 0.0215%
Sarene Nemdahl 1,116 0.2824%
Ch26: Connecting Lines Rand al'Thor 5,069 1.2829%
Ch27: Gifts Egwene al'Vere 8,587 2.1732%
Nesune Bihara 800 0.2025%
Ch28: Letters Rand al'Thor 6,309 1.5967%
Padan Fain 1,223 0.3095%
Ch29: Fire and Spirit Nynaeve al'Meara 4,999 1.2651%
Ch30: To Heal Again Nynaeve al'Meara 3,606 0.9126%
Siuan Sanche 1,356 0.3432%
Elayne Trakand 2,583 0.6537%
Delana Mosalaine 1,406 0.3558%
Ch31: Red Wax Eamon Valda 1,659 0.4199%
Pedron Niall 885 0.2240%
Morgase Trakand 2,686 0.6798%
Rhadam Asunawa 351 0.0888%
Ch32: Summoned in Haste Egwene al'Vere 5,261 1.3314%
Rand al'Thor 210 0.0531%
Ch33: Courage to Strengthen Egwene al'Vere 930 0.2354%
Matrim Cauthon 3,469 0.8779%
Egwene al'Vere 1,657 0.4194%
Ch34: Journey to Salidar Egwene al'Vere 3,062 0.7749%
Ch35: In the Hall of the Sitters Egwene al'Vere 3,774 0.9551%
Ch36: The Amyrlin Is Raised Egwene al'Vere 5,520 1.3970%
Ch37: When Battle Begins Egwene al'Vere 3,553 0.8992%
Romanda Cassin 200 0.0506%
Lelaine Akashi 160 0.0405%
Delana Mosalaine 305 0.0772%
Siuan Sanche 284 0.0719%
Nynaeve al'Meara 231 0.0585%
Elayne Trakand 446 0.1129%
Egwene al'Vere 108 0.0273%
Ch38: A Sudden Chill Matrim Cauthon 4,800 1.2148%
Ch39: Possibilities Egwene al'Vere 5,713 1.4458%
Ch40: Unexpected Laughter Matrim Cauthon 2,182 0.5522%
Elayne Trakand 2,627 0.6648%
Ch41: A Threat Min Farshaw 1,687 0.4269%
Rand al'Thor 5,882 1.4886%
Ch42: The Black Tower Rand al'Thor 4,879 1.2348%
Ch43: The Crown of Roses Merana Ambrey 2,810 0.7111%
Dyelin Taravin 102 0.0258%
Luan Norwelyn 109 0.0276%
Ellorien Traemane 83 0.0210%
Ch44: The Color of Trust Matrim Cauthon 5,657 1.4317%
Egwene al'Vere 276 0.0698%
Ch45: A Bitter Thought Vilnar Barada 879 0.2225%
Perrin Aybara 4,550 1.1515%
Ch46: Beyond the Gate Perrin Aybara 3,382 0.8559%
Rand al'Thor 1,691 0.4280%
Demira Eriff 920 0.2328%
Perrin Aybara 1,288 0.3260%
Demira Eriff 1,298 0.3285%
Ch47: The Wandering Woman Matrim Cauthon 5,999 1.5182%
Ch48: Leaning on the Knife Nynaeve al'Meara 5,087 1.2874%
Ch49: The Mirror of Mists Rand al'Thor 4,144 1.0488%
Min Farshaw 1,698 0.4297%
Rand al'Thor 1,851 0.4684%
Merana Ambrey 2,114 0.5350%
Ch50: Thorns Rand al'Thor 4,328 1.0953%
Perrin Aybara 2,519 0.6375%
Rand al'Thor 285 0.0721%
Ch51: The Taking Rand al'Thor 1,451 0.3672%
Bain 280 0.0709%
Perrin Aybara 248 0.0628%
Rand al'Thor 557 0.1410%
Sorilea 205 0.0519%
Ch52: Weaves of the Power Matrim Cauthon 1,761 0.4457%
Elayne Trakand 2,171 0.5494%
Egwene al'Vere 3,071 0.7772%
Myrelle Berengari 588 0.1488%
Ch53: The Feast of Lights Perrin Aybara 4,400 1.1135%
Galina Casban 896 0.2268%
Rand al'Thor 1,663 0.4209%
Galina Casban 336 0.0850%
Sevanna 322 0.0815%
Ch54: The Sending Perrin Aybara 8,863 2.2430%
Ch55: Dumai's Wells Gawyn Trakand 872 0.2207%
Rand al'Thor 678 0.1716%
Perrin Aybara 2,082 0.5269%
Rand al'Thor 5,470 1.3843%
Epilogue: The Answer Falion Bhoda 314 0.0795%
Narrator 120 0.0304%
Seanchan Rider 129 0.0326%
Moghedien 583 0.1475%
Egwene al'Vere 154 0.0390%
Demandred 39 0.0099%
Quote 71 0.0180%

Unique POV Breakdown[]

Character # of POVs % of Total POVs (139) Total Word Count (395,135) % of Word Count
Quote 2 1.4388% 112 0.0283%
Demandred 3 2.1583% 2,044 0.5173%
Nynaeve al'Meara 9 6.4748% 48,354 12.2373%
Elayne Trakand 7 5.0360% 27,929 7.0682%
Faile Bashere 1 0.7194% 6,021 1.5238%
Gawyn Trakand 2 1.4388% 3,463 0.8764%
Katerine Alruddin 2 1.4388% 1,079 0.2731%
Sevanna 2 1.4388% 959 0.2427%
Morgase Trakand 3 2.1583% 9,589 2.4268%
Pedron Niall 3 2.1583% 7,373 1.8659%
Mesaana 1 0.7194% 1,908 0.4829%
Osan'gar 1 0.7194% 1,272 0.3219%
Rand al'Thor 28 20.1439% 112,118 28.3746%
Matrim Cauthon 8 5.7554% 42,642 10.7918%
Sammael 2 1.4388% 5,246 1.3276%
Graendal 2 1.4388% 2,797 0.7079%
Semirhage 1 0.7194% 3,091 0.7823%
Verin Mathwin 1 0.7194% 3,197 0.8091%
Narrator 2 1.4388% 130 0.0329%
Egwene al'Vere 18 12.9496% 63,571 16.0884%
Sheriam Bayanar 1 0.7194% 129 0.0326%
Sulin 1 0.7194% 149 0.0377%
Aviendha 1 0.7194% 654 0.1655%
Nesune Bihara 2 1.4388% 885 0.2240%
Sarene Nemdahl 1 0.7194% 1,116 0.2824%
Padan Fain 1 0.7194% 1,223 0.3095%
Siuan Sanche 2 1.4388% 1,640 0.4150%
Delana Mosalaine 2 1.4388% 1,711 0.4330%
Eamon Valda 1 0.7194% 1,659 0.4199%
Rhadam Asunawa 1 0.7194% 351 0.0888%
Romanda Cassin 1 0.7194% 200 0.0506%
Lelaine Akashi 1 0.7194% 160 0.0405%
Min Farshaw 2 1.4388% 3,385 0.8567%
Merana Ambrey 2 1.4388% 4,924 1.2462%
Dyelin Taravin 1 0.7194% 102 0.0258%
Luan Norwelyn 1 0.7194% 109 0.0276%
Ellorien Traemane 1 0.7194% 83 0.0210%
Vilnar Barada 1 0.7194% 879 0.2225%
Perrin Aybara 8 5.7554% 27,332 6.9171%
Demira Eriff 2 1.4388% 2,218 0.5613%
Bain 1 0.7194% 280 0.0709%
Sorilea 1 0.7194% 205 0.0519%
Myrelle Berengari 1 0.7194% 588 0.1488%
Galina Casban 2 1.4388% 1,232 0.3118%
Falion Bhoda 1 0.7194% 314 0.0795%
Seanchan Rider 1 0.7194% 129 0.0326%
Moghedien 1 0.7194% 583 0.1475%