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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Ludice Daneen was an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and one of Tamra Ospenya's Searchers.


She was bony, with a long grim face and brightly beaded Taraboner braids that hung to her waist.


She was handpicked by Tamra Ospenya for the task of searching for the Dragon Reborn due to her strict way and dedication to Tower law.

She was murdered by the Black Ajah while tring to find the Dragon Reborn. As in the case with Aisha Raveneos and Valera Gorovni, it is unknown where and how she was murdered.


It has been speculated that Ludice, Aisha Raveneos and Valera Gorovni were not only strict and abiding to the law, but also strong in the One Power. This speculation is based on the assumption that Tamra did not only seek women of great abidance, but also those strong in the One Power and with a relevant position into their respective Ajah. In fact we know that two other of the searchers, Meilyn Arganya and Kerene Nagashi, were among the strongest in the Tower in the last millennium.

This speculation is confirmed by "The Wheel of Time Companion" where the level of strength of Aisha and Valera are 14(2). At level 14(2) was also Larelle Tarsi, which was another of Tamra's searchers killed by the Black Ajah.
