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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Malind Nachenin is an Aes Sedai and for a while a rebel Sitter of the Green Ajah.

Appearance and Personaility[]

Malind is a slightly plump and pretty Kandori with a round face, full smiling lips, and fierce, dark eyes. [1]

Strength and Abilities[]

Malind is of low average strength for an Aes Sedai, with a One Power level of 25(13). She would be unable to Travel without linking with another channeler.


Malind is 59 years old. She was born in the year 941 NE and went to the White Tower in 957 NE. After spending twelve years as Novice and eleven as Accepted she was raised to the shawl in the year 980 NE.

Malind has two Warders.


She has allied herself with the Salidar Aes Sedai and has been elected as a Sitter in the Salidar Hall, despite being too young. In fact Malind had been Aes Sedai for the least time of any of the new Sitters.

She was one of the Aes Sedai who cast for Egwene al'Vere as Amyrlin on the first vote.

She votes "yes" on the Rebel Aes Sedai declaring war on Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan and is one of the Sitters to propose an alliance with the Black Tower.[1]

At Lelaine Akashi's emergency meeting of the Hall, she stands to accept the offer from the Dragon Reborn of bonding forty-seven Asha'man. During the meeting she runs to find Nacelle Kayama, who has developed and performs a weave, which turns out to be successful in detecting whether a man is channeling saidin.

She was unseated upon the reunification of the White Tower, her seat being taken either by its previous holder, Faiselle Darone, or the newly elected Green Sitter, Farnah Sadaou.

It is presumed that she fought in and survived the Last Battle.

