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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Manel Rochaid was an Asha'man from Murandy.[1] He had reached the rank of Asha'man and was one of Mazrim Taim's men. He had named himself the Baijan'm'hael.


He was slightly shorter and younger than Rand al'Thor and always had an amused smile on his face.


The Black Tower[]

He carried away Peral Torval after he had been clubbed unconsious by Taim. He fought in the Battle of Dumai's Wells.

Illian and the Seanchan[]

He was Charl Gedwyn's second in command when the Asha'man arrived to help Rand drive the invading Seanchan away from Illian. He fried Eagan Padros after Padros's failed assassination attempt on Rand. He followed Davram Bashere into the final assault on the Seanchan. On arrival back to Cairhien he, with Gedwyn and Corlan Dashiva, blew up Rand's quarters in an attempt on Rand's life. The attack fails and they were forced to flee. Later Taim reports to Rand that Rochaid was a deserter.

Far Madding[]

He followed Rand's trail to Far Madding where he confronted Rand there. He was injured by Rand in the exchange and then stabbed by his own partner Raefar Kisman. He died soon after.

