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Marith Jaen was Amyrlin Seat from 984 to 988 NE. She was raised from the Blue Ajah.[1]

History and Influence[]

Born in 700 NE, she went to the White Tower in 717 NE. She is described in the Companion as being a "stainless-steel bitch".

She retired to the country in 973 NE when Tamra Ospenya was raised Amyrlin Seat. It was speculated that she did so because of personality clashes with Tamra, and because she wanted to be Amyrlin instead. Ostensibly she gave the reason that she wished to write her memoirs.

After the death of Sierin Vayu in 984 NE, Marith was called from retirement to take the Amyrlin Seat. The Hall felt they had no choice, as both Tamra and Sierin had died suddenly, as had many senior sisters - part of the Black Ajah's efforts to find the Dragon Reborn for themselves.

In 985 NE, she sentenced the Red Sitters Toveine Gazal, Lirene Doirellin, and Tsutama Rath to exile and hand labor on a farm for the role in gentling male channelers outside of the White Tower. They were publicly unseated and birched in front of the White Tower, without any explanation for the outside world. This only cemented her fearsome reputation. During her tenure as Amyrlin, the Hall of the Tower was fully under her control and the influence of the Tower increased in the outside world.

Marith was the last of three Amyrlins to have died in a short stretch of time. Her death in 988, although sudden, was of natural causes. She was replaced by the then young Siuan Sanche. The exceptionally young Siuan was chosen in light of the numerous deaths of many senior Sisters and Amyrlins in a very short space of time, and the Hall opted for someone who could provide stability by potentially reigning for centuries.[2]


It is not known who was Keeper of the Chronicles during her tenure a Amyrlin, but the Companion states that every Keeper not of the same Ajah was forced by the Hall. Given Marith's domination of the Hall, this seems unlikely and she would have been from the Blue Ajah.

External links[]


  1. TWORJTWOT, Chapter 24 The White Tower
  2. A Crown of Swords, Chapter 7