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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Mer is a s'redit bull.


Like other s'redit, Mer is gray.


When the Seanchan landed at Falme, the brought many s'redit, as well as raken, grolm, corlm, and torm.[1] Mer, along with Sanit and Nerin, were separated and were eventually rounded up by Cerandin.

She brought the animals to Valan Luca's traveling show to be performers. While in the town of Sienda in Amadicia, Mer tore a hole in the front of an inn called The King's Lancer. This cost Luca a lot of his cash and forced the circus to make a very fast departure.[2] Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve al'Meara recognized Mer, Sanit, and Nerin as Seanchan animals and discover Cerandin is Seanchan as well.[3] When the two women leave the show, they offer to take Cerandin as well. She said that she would not leave the circus if she could not take the s'redit as well.[4]

