A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Romera is the shatayan of the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin. She is stately, straight-backed, and has graying hair that she keeps in a thick roll at the nape of her neck. She has charge of all the palace's servants.


Mistress Romera is a tall, handsome woman with hazel eyes.[1]


Romera personally conducts Lan Mandragoran to the Prince Consort, Brys Noramaga. She addresses Lan with more courtesy than would be expected from a head servant to an uncrowned king, which Lan believes hints at her personal belief that Malkier will rise once more.[2]

She later escorts Lady Moiraine Damodred Aes Sedai to the Prince after she makes herself known at the palace.[1]

