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A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Nalesean Aldiaya was a Tairen noble.


He was square faced and blocky in stature, who wore his black beard trimmed, oiled and to a point.

He had an eager and jovial personality.


Siege of Cairhien[]

He takes charge of the Tairen cavalry at the battle of Cairhien with the Shaido, when the previous commander is killed. He is amazed by Mat's battle tactics and luck and swears to follow him from now on. He has a real dislike for the Cairheinin Talmanes Delovinde.

Nalesean was a leader of Mat Cauthon's Band of the Red Hand, responsible for half of the cavalry. He helps fight the Aiel that try to assassinate Mat. Mat would have preferred Edorion, but Nalesean's house outranked Edorion's.

Ebou Dar[]

Nalesean goes with Mat when they are searching for the Bowl of the Winds in Ebou Dar. He was with Mat when they are attacked by beggars sent by Old Cully. They track the Bowl down in the Rahad but unfortunately Nalesean was killed by a gholam when it rips his throat out before the bowl could be recovered.
