A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Nerim is a Cairhienin manservant in the service of Talmanes Delovinde.[1]


He is very short and skinny with gray hair cut short of his shoulders. He had a long narrow face and was clean-shaven. He has a very pessimistic attitude.


He sews Talmanes wounds after the Aiel assassination attempt on Matrim Cauthon, and then is sent over to sew Mat's as well. Mat and Talmanes agree that Nerim makes a ham-fisted sewer.

When Mat leaves for Ebou Dar, Talmanes sends Nerim as well, to carry on serving Mat. He then stays in the Tarasin Palace with Mat and begins to transfer his clothes and all his money back into the Wandering Woman. Mat sends Nerim and Lopin to collect all the stored money and meet him outside the city when Mat carries out his plan of escaping with the captive Aes Sedai. Nerim and Lopin were competitive in fulfilling their duties to Mat.

He then catches up with Mat and then travels in Valan Luca's Traveling Show as cover for their escape. He is happy to finally be reunited with Talmanes.

