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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Padra is the daughter of Rand al'Thor and Aviendha as seen through the visions of Aviendha's second trip through the Glass columns. Aviendha experiences possible future events through the eyes of Padra and her descendants.

Ancestry and potential descent of Padra[]

Aviendha and RandPadraOncalaLadalin ↠ ? ↠ ? ↠ RowahnTava ↠ ? ↠ Norlesh ↠ ? ↠ Malidra


Born as one of four quadruplets, Padra has two full-blooded brothers, Alarch and Janduin, and a full blooded sister Marinna. She also has another older half-brother and sister by one of her father's other wives, also her mother's first-sister, Elayne Trakand. Her half-niece, Talana, is the Queen of Andor.

Padra and her full-blooded siblings exhibit exceptional strength in the One Power, having been able to channel since they were children, and hold the Power perpetually, even when sleeping.


As children of the Dragon, Padra and her siblings are given special privileges. Padra is allowed to channel even though she is a Maiden of the Spear and not a Wise One. Padra and her siblings were part of the council of chiefs who decided to go to war with the Seanchan, eventually leading to the destruction of the Aiel people.[1] After the meeting Padra talks with Ronam and thinks he might be someone to give up the spear for, if she were to ever take that path.


  • Padra is named for Tricia Erikson, a fan of The Wheel of Time whose screen name was Padra.[2]

