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A Wheel of Time Wiki

Petra Anhill is a strongman in Valan Luca's Traveling Show. He is married to Clarine Anhill.[1]


Petra Anhill is a muscular man with arms like tree trunks.[2] He is shorter than Matrim Cauthon, but twice as wide.[3]


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When Elayne Trakand, Nynaeve al'Meara, Thomdril Merrilin and Juilin Sandar join Luca's show, Luca introduces them to the Anhills.[2] Petra breaks up a fight between Latelle and Nynaeve, carrying Latelle back to her wagon.[4] Petra later has to break up a fight between Cerandin and Nynaeve.[5] As the show enters Samara, Petra is one of the people who performs in front of the circus to bring in patrons.[6] In addition to his successful showings,[7] Petra also performs chores around the circus.[8] When Elayne and Nynaeve leave the show, Petra offers to escort them to the Riverserpent.[9]

1000 NE[]

Petra and Clarine are still with the circus when Matrim Cauthon and his group join Luca.[3] Jameine, another performer, has two men fighting over her, but Petra stops the scuffle, showing a propensity for breaking up fights.[10] When Seanchan soldiers try to bully their way into the circus near Jurador, Petra, Bollin, Luca and others of the show's men stand their ground.[11] Before leaving the show, Mat gives Petra and Clarine a purse of gold so that they can eventually retire and buy an inn.[3][12]

At some point Petra returns to Ebou Dar and becomes a Seanchan guard. He is guarding the gate into Ebou Dar when Mat returns to the city.[13]

