A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Lord Rahien Demain is the son of Lady Ines Demain. He was born at the end of the Aiel War.[1]


Born two miles from Dragonmount in a farmhouse, Rahien's name in the Old Tongue means "dawn."[2] He was on Moiraine Damodred's list of possible boys who could be the Dragon Reborn.[1]

When Moiraine Damodred comes to Chachin in Kandor, she tries to speak with Rahien's mother. She never gets the chance because Rahien's father had died recently and his mother was in seclusion in the Aesdaishar Palace.[1] Because he was born the day after Gitara Moroso's Foretelling, Moiraine learns that he can't be the Dragon Reborn.[3]

