Reo Myershi, ancestor of Paital Nachiman heard the prophecy from an Aes Sedai of his own family line. The words were preserved, passed from monarch to monarch through the Arafelan royal family till Paitar Nachiman finally asks Rand about it.
- "I see him before you! Him, the one who lives many lives, the one who gives deaths, the one who raises mountains. He will break what he must break, but first he stands here, before our king. You will bloody him! Measure his restraint. He speaks! How was the fallen slain? Tellindal Tirraso, murdered by his hand, the darkness that came the day after the light. You must ask, and you must know your fate. If he cannot answer.... then you will be lost. You will bring his end swiftly, so that the final days may have their storm. So that Light may not be consumed by he who was to have preserved it. I see him. And I weep.[1]"
The Arafelan ruler will meet the Dragon Reborn. They will draw blood to test his control over his temper by punching his face one by one, then ask the question how did Tellindal Tirraso died.
Tellindal Tirraso was a clerk who worked in Lews Therin's headquarters during the War of Powers.[2] She fell in the fighting when Demandred came for Lews Therin Telamon after the founding of the Eighty and One. Her death was caused by a lightning from the sky, and Rand remembers her blood on his hands, although it is not written clearly that he has killed her. Even The Wheel of Time Companion is confusing about the circumstances, since it is written as "He was killed in an attack by Demandred." Whether the person was a female character, or a male character and whether (s)he was killed by LTT or Demandred, or somebody else.
This prophecy was about to test whether the Shadow consumed the Champion of the Light before the Last Battle. The result of the inner fight of Rand. Had the shadow won over him, he would not have been merged with Lews Therin completely, so he would not have had the memory about the circumstances of Tirraso's death. Interestingly the "prophecy" is somewhat suggesting that in case the Dragon is taken by the Shadow and they manage to kill him on the spot they would somehow have the possibility to survive the Last Battle. "so that Light might not be consumed".
Those who dared to test the Dragon Reborn[]
Ethenielle, Queen of Kandor slaps Rand first across the face.
Easar, King of Shienar backhanded him across the mouth, causing Rand to stumble and a trickle of blood ran down his chin.
Tenobia, Queen of Saldaea came third, slapping him with her left hand with a strong blow that cracked in the air and Min felt Rand's pain through their bond.
Paitar, King of Arafel came last. He dabbed at the blood on Rand's cheek then backhanded him with a blow that sent Rand to his knees, with a spray of blood flying from his mouth.
- ↑ Towers of Midnight, Chapter 51
- ↑ The Wheel of Time Companion, Tellindal Tirraso