Rod can refer to the following:
Objects of the One Power[]
- A bent rod - a ter'angreal found in the Kin's storehouse in Ebou Dar.
- A bent black rod - a ter'angreal that inverts the weaves of the person holding it.
- A brilliant red rod - a ter'angreal given to Alviarin Freidhen by Mesaana.
- A clear crystal rod - a ter'angreal stolen from the White Tower by Liandrin's Group of Black Sisters.
- A flexible black rod - a ter'angreal found in the Kin's storehouse in Ebou Dar.
- A fluted black rod - a ter'angreal stolen from the White Tower by Liandrin's Group of Black Sisters.
- The Oath Rod - a ter'angreal used when raising Accepted to Aes Sedai in the White Tower.
- A red rod - a ter'angreal found in the Kin's storehouse in Ebou Dar.
- Vora's sa'angreal - once known as the white rod, the most powerful sa'angreal in possession of the White Tower.
- The Nine Rods of Dominion - governors of vast territories during the Age of Legends.