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Serancha Colvine is the current Head Clerk of the Gray Ajah[1].

Appearance and Personality[]

She has a pinched mouth and pinched nose[2], that constantly seems to be detecting a bad smell. She has light brown hair[3] and pale blue eyes. Even her pale eyes seem pinched with disapproval. She might well have been considered pretty otherwise. She has tight, cramped handwriting.[2]

Strength and Abilities[]

No information is given about Serancha's strength in the One Power in either the books or the Companion. Both Sitters and Ajah Heads can be either weak or strong in the One Power, so no inferences can be made.


Serancha was born in the year 835 NE and went to the White Tower in 850 NE at the age of 15.[4]

She spent seven years as novice and six as Accepted and appears to have made a few enemies. She was Accepted over both Seaine Herimon and Pevara Tazanovni. All three were later Accepted together. Pevara regards her as a prig suitable for the Gray.[5]

Shortly after being raised to Aes Sedai in 863 NE at the age of twenty-eight, Seaine and Pevara would dust her shift with itchloack - possibly one last prank before they themselves were raised to full sisters.[5]

Serancha was elected as a Sitter for the Gray at the age of 139 from 974 NE having worn the shawl for 111 years. She served in the Hall for sixteen years until 990 NE. She would have been Sitter at the same time as Jarna Malari during the events of New Spring.

She was elected Head Clerk of the Gray Ajah in 990 NE, likely why she stepped down as a Sitter. She may have been replaced by Yukiri Haruna.

Within the Tower in general, she is described as "a woman of reputedly fastidious behavior".[6].


After the Schism Serancha stayed in the White Tower under the leadership of Elaida a'Roihan. She personally picks up Andaya Forae as new substitute Sitter, not following the usual election procedures.

She was one of the Aes Sedai who gave private lessons to Egwene al'Vere. She tells Egwene she expects "proper behaviour" from her. Egwene replies without adding "Serancha Sedai" in her response and is immediately corrected. Serancha resolves to submit a list of infractions to pass on to the Mistress of Novices. Egwene fails to call her "Serancha Sedai" immediately, causing Serancha to turn purple. In the end, Serancha fills four pages and spends more time writing than teaching.[2]

It is revealed that Serancha and the rest of the Ajah Heads are behind the Too Young Sitters conspiracy. Serancha, Adelorna Bastine, Ferane Neheran, Jesse Bilal, and Suana Dragand do not fully trust each other, but Jesse thinks to herself that they come closer to doing so than any one else with any power in the Hall. Unfortunately their plan didn't work and they are forced to throw their support behind a new Amyrlin Seat after Elaida is captured by the Seanchan. They all agree on Egwene.[3]

