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Serenia Latar was the Amyrlin Seat from 276 to 306 NE. She was raised from the Gray Ajah.[1]

"Serenia Latar being raised on the scaffold, the only Amyrlin the Children had ever managed to hang. She had been dead already, of course, live witches being somewhat hard to hang, but that was beside the point. Six hundred and ninety-three years ago, justice had been done according to the law."
   —Musings of Eamon Valda in the Dome of Truth[2]


She was Comarra Zepava's successor and Doniella Alievin's predecessor.[1]

She was a strong Amyrlin who increased the Tower's influence and prestige. Her skillful negotiations ended many wars and effected many treaties.

She died in Altara after negotiating the end of a civil war there. Somehow her corpse was seized by Whitecloaks that hanged it as final affront.

Her image at the gallows decorates an alcove in the Dome of Truth in the form of fresco


  1. 1.0 1.1 TWORJTWOT, Chapter 24 The White Tower
  2. Lord of Chaos, Chapter 31