A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

So'jhin are a class of da'covale, hereditary upper servants of the Blood of the Seanchan. They have considerable status, and can have authority over free people, even giving them orders.

The majority of the Imperial bureaucracy was so'jhin, the Voices of the Blood were so'jhin. They could own property and they were only sold as a punishment. With permissions they could marry. Their bloodline would always belong to the same family. Ordinary people did not own so'jin. [1]

They can be recognized by their half-shaven heads, their remaining hair often plaited into a long braid.

As with many Seanchan words, its roots come from the Old Tongue. The closest translation would be "a height among lowness," though some translate it as meaning "both sky and valley" among several other possibilities.

See also[]

