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This article is about the distribution of One Power strength among Aes Sedai. For a list of all strength rankings, see One Power strength rankings.

List of Aes Sedai Strengths[]

The following table gives a full list of strengths of Aes Sedai according to their entries in The Wheel of Time Companion. If there are no Aes Sedai at a given level, it is not included below. Those who are in training as Novices are marked with *, those who are Accepted are marked with **. We do not include the Kin in this list. See Strength in the One Power among the Kin for more details.

Strength Level Channelers Notes
2(+11) Talaan din Gelyn*, Sharina Melloy*
3(+10) Nynaeve al'Meara, Caraighan Maconar
8(+5) Egwene al'Vere, Elayne Trakand
9(+4) Cadsuane Melaidhrin, Mabriam en Shareed, Bode Cauthon*, Nicola Treehill** Cadsuane may be marginally stronger at 8(+5), although must be weaker than Egwene and Elayne's full potential. See notes.
10(+3) Meilyn Arganya
11(+2) Kerene Nagashi
13(1) Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan, Lelaine Akashi, Moiraine Damodred (old), Romanda Cassin, Siuan Sanche (old) Formerly the established maximum strength level among Aes Sedai. Also the minimum to use the Choedan Kal and still survive.
14(2) Aisha Raveneos, Bera Harkin, Cetalia Delarme, Galina Casban, Kiruna Nachiman, Larelle Tarsi, Leane Sharif (old), Liandrin Guirale, Martine Janata, Merean Redhill, Merise Haindehl, Pevara Tazanovni, Saerin Asnobar, Sashalle Anderly, Sheriam Bayanar, Valera Gorovni, Yukiri Haruna, Ibrella*
15(3) Anaiya Carel, Carlinya Sorevin, Desandre Alraed, Katerine Alruddin, Lemai Ambani, Maigan, Marillin Gemalphin, Morvrin Thakanos, Myrelle Berengari, Nesune Bihara, Shemerin, Silviana Brehon, Talene Minly, Theodrin Dabei,
16(4) Adelorna Bastine, Aisling Noon, Beldeine Nyram, Beonin Marinye, Bernaile Gelbarn, Brendas, Doesine Alwain, Eldrith Jhondar, Ester Stepashin, Faeldrin Harella, Haesel Lusara, Kwamesa Taramasu, Masuri Sokawa, Nisao Dachen, Rafela Cindal
17(5) Alanna Mosvani, Alviarin Freidhen, Annharid Matoun, Cathal Devore, Danelle, Erian Boroleos, Falion Bhoda, Faolain Orande, Felaana Bevaine, Ispan Shefar, Janya Frende, Joline Maza, Meidani Eschede, Merana Ambrey, Seaine Herimon, Seonid Traighan, Temaile Kinderode, Teslyn Baradon, Verin Mathwin
18(6) Asne Zeramene, Ayako Norsoni, Chesmal Emry, Coiren Saeldain, Corele Hovian, Delana Mosalaine, Demira Eriff, Jeaine Caide, Jennet Cobb, Kairen Stang, Marith Riven, Mikio Vadere, Narenwin Barda, Sarene Nemdahl, Shevan Gadarin, Sierin Vayu Median strength of all known sisters is at 18.3. Based on the sample of 194 Aes Sedai, 50% are stronger than this level. This is likely biased towards a higher strength because the sample may not be representative.
19(7) Berenicia Morsad, Celestin Eguilera, Dagdara Finchey, Elaiva Walfor, Gabrelle Brawley, Gitara Moroso, Narenwin Barda, Rubinde Acedone, Sedore Dajenna, Tamra Ospenya, Tarna Feir, Tiana Noselle, Toveine Gazal, Zenare Ghodar, Zerah Dacan The minimum strength listed in the Companion where a channeler can create a useful gateway i.e. one that can be walked through. This assumes average Talent with Traveling.
20(8) Evanellein Lorn, Faiselle Darone, Magla Daronos, Samitsu Tamagowa, Vandene Namelle (potential)
21(9) Covarla Baldene, Ferane Neheran, Jesse Bilal, Juilaine Madome, Mayam Colona, Rianna Andomeran, Sereille Bagand, Tsutama Rath, Valene Sural Based on the sample of 194 Aes Sedai, the mean falls at 21.2. This is likely biased towards a higher strength because the sample may not be representative.
22(10) Ashmanaille, Cairlyn Nesolle, Carniele Emares, Merilille Ceandevin, Rina Hafden, Samalin Naeroda, Suana Dragand, Vandene Namelle (actual), Ronelle** The minimum observed strength for channelers that have opened a reasonably-sized gateway in the books. We set this as the minimum strength for several Aes Sedai who have performed Traveling: Berisha Terakuni, Nimri, Serinia.
23(11) Adeleas Namelle, Duhara Basaheen, Escaralde Hamdey, Serafelle Tanisloe, Takima Deraighdin
24(12) Akoure Vayet, Aledrin Malenry, Andaya Forae, Edesina Azzedin, Kumira Dhoran, Lirene Doirellin, Lyrelle Arienwin, Saroiya Farseen
25(13) Beldemaine, Elza Penfell, Javindhra Doraille, Jenare Balmaen, Malind Nachenin, Moria Karentanis, Velina Behar, Zemaille Amassa, Keatlin*
26(14) Mirlene Cornwell, Sareitha Tomares, Turanna Norill, Varilin Zanaire, Lanita**
27(15) Aeldene Stonebridge, Amico Nagoyin, Amira Moselle, Berylla Naron, Careane Fransi, Janine Pavlara, Niande Moorwyn, Ronaille Vevanios, Salita Toranes, Tabiya*
28(16) Berana Shemon, Joiya Byir, Larissa Lyndel, Nelavaire Demasiellin, Razina Hazzan
29(17) Ryma Galfrey, Lucilde*
30(18) Emara**
31(19) Cavandra, Calindin**
32(20) Rosara Medrano, Shanelle, Teire Alentaine
33(21) Annoura Larisen, Bharatine, Fera Sormen, Silvane Redfor, Valinde Nathenos
34(22) Adine Canford, Afara, Akarrin Comeris, Cabriana Mecandes, Memara, Shahal Comanli, Therva Maresis, Vayelle Kamsa, Shimoku**
35(23) Cariandre Temalien, Guisin, Phaedrine, Shana Goridien, Siuan Sanche (reduced)
36(24) Leane Sharif (reduced), Nacelle Kayama
37(25) Bennae Nalsad, Caren Endelle, Nisain a'Cowel
38(26) Reiko Kerevon
44(32) Marris Thornhill
45(33) Daigian Moseneillin Minimum to be tested for Aes Sedai
66(54) Moiraine Damodred (reduced)
72(60) Morgase Trakand* Minimum possible strength
Unknown strength Aiden Shimura (weak), Hattori Gatano (weak or very weak), Jamilila Norsish (very weak), Nalasia Merhan (very weak), Nissa** (strong), Nyein Kalede (probably below average), Setsuko* (weaker than 46(34)), Teramina (very weak), Vasha (weak or middling) Since there are a large number of Aes Sedai and initiates with unknown strength, we only list those about whom something is known. See notes and the section on Hierarchy Judgements.

Notes and errata[]

Some modification and explanations are required:

Cadsuane's Strength[]

The Companion lists Cadsuane's strength as 5(+8), which would be significantly stronger than Elayne/Egwene/Aviendha's potential and just below Nynaeve. Additionally, the Companion entry for Tamela calls the Wise One "the equal of Cadsuane, with a strength level of 5(+8)".

This, however, is contradicted several places. The first is the Companion entry for Nicola Treehill, where it lists her as being level 9(+4) and equal in potential to Cadsuane, and the second is from the books themselves where Cadsuane says: "Until Elayne Trakand, none had come to the White Tower in her [Cadsuane’s] lifetime who could match that standard, much less surpass it. In more ways than one, her like had not walked among Aes Sedai for a thousand years."[1]

The "thousand years" benchmark is indeed quoted many times with reference to Elayne, by Siuan, Rand, Elaida and even Cadsuane's own glossary entry.[2][3][4][5][6] The last reads: "she was also the strongest in the Power found for a thousand years or more until the advent of Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene and even they do not far out-step her." It would be tempting to think it a transposition error that should read 8(+5) instead of 5(+8). We could also look to the entry for Metarra din Junalle, who is listed as "9(+4), roughly equal to Elayne and Egwene" and in the books as "on a level with Elayne herself".[7] This may be referring to current strength only however, not potential, as Elayne ponders this very fact in the chapter. The most satisfying solution, if one exists, seems to be that Robert Jordan's notes had a minor consistency and there was a transposition error. If we then view Cadsuane as being at the very borderline of 9(+4) and 8(+5) and Elayne as a smidge stronger than her, then everything more or less consistent.

Other notes[]

  • Elayne's strength is listed as being her potential only, implying that she had not quite reached it. Egwene had achieved her potential, largely because she went through the forcing process used by the Seanchan.
  • Bodewhin Cauthon's strength isn't given in the companion, but: "Bode’s future would be brilliant. Her potential almost equaled Egwene’s."[8] Verin also calls her "very strong".[9] None of the current cohort of Aes Sedai, with the exception of Cadsuane, are close to Egwene's potential.
  • Magla Doronos' strength is listed in the Companion as 29(8). This is a typo and is likely 20(8) where the 0 and 9 have been mistyped. This would give a difference of 12 levels between the two scales.
  • Narenwin's strength is given as "either 18(6) or 19(7)".
  • Vandene's potential is stated as 20(8), but she never fulfilled it because she did not want to eclipse her sister Adeleas. Her actual strength is 22(10).
  • Nissa is referred to by Egwene as "young, but powerful".[10]
  • Setsuko is not strong enough to be allowed to test for Accepted.[11]
  • Jamilila, Nalasia and Teramina go missing after the Seanchan attack. "All were very weak in the Power"[12] Likely less than 33(21).
  • Hattori "is not regarded as influential by the White Tower...The others rarely care what she does" while "Vasha didn't have a great deal of rank among the Aes Sedai, but she also wasn't as low as Hattori".[13] It'a hard to tell where they may be. Both must be weaker than Covarla Baldene, at 21(9), who was the strongest among the group returning from Dumai's Wells. Covarla is distinctly average.
  • Aiden and Nyein are Sea Folk sisters. Alviarin thinks Aiden and Zemaille both weak when she meets them, although Zemaille's strength might be better described as "below average". Aiden is described as as "weak" in the Companion, but no exact level is given. Nyein is not given a descriptor, but as most women chosen by Atha'an Miere to go to the Tower were known to Most of these young women were deliberately chosen not have sufficient strength to be and the others were "never very strong", she cannot be above average.[14][15][16]

Statistical analysis[]

According to Robert Jordan, strength in the One Power follows a bell curve, and the majority of those women would be able to test for the shawl:

Regarding the percentage of women who could test for the shawl, it would be 62.5% of the bellcurve. I'll leave the maths to you for an idle moment. The question doesn't really apply to men, since the Black Tower accepts anyone who can learn to channel, but if the White Tower limits were applied, it would be roughly 65.4% of the bellcurve. Although, considering the effectiveness question, they should probably set it at the same 62.5%. Again, the maths are all yours. Regarding the levels of male strength, while the weakest man and the weakest woman would be roughly equivalent, you might say that there are several levels of male strength on top of the female levels. Remember to integrate this with what I've said elsewhere about effectiveness, though.[17]

Without going into details of the appropriateness of this model, or if Robert Jordan's mathematics are correct, we can state that the sample of Aes Sedai would be biased towards stronger channelers. We should, therefore, expect the distribution to not be symmetric.

AS Strengths

Strength distribution based on information from the Wheel of Time Companion

The figure shows the approximate distribution of strengths of the One Power for living Aes Sedai mentioned in the series. The displayed data is positively skewed, meaning that if we lined up all the Aes Sedai in order of strength, the woman in the middle is stronger than the mean (adding all the strengths and dividing by the population size). It is, as expected, not symmetric.

As well as Aes Sedai being generally stronger than the true mean for all channelers, we would could speculate that the sample of sisters for which we are given strength values is not even representative of the Aes Sedai population as a whole. Our reader's perspective highlights more heroic or higher status Aes Sedai, which is often (but not always) correlated with strength. Most point of view characters are in the top 10%, strength-wise. Mean, median and standard deviation are given based on those we know, but the mean and median may be weaker if we assume our sample is significantly biased. Just how biased it might be, if at all, we have no way of knowing.

Note that this data does not include those still in training as Novices and Accepted.

Hierarchy Judgements[]

Sisters sometimes refer to one another as being "strong", "weak" or "middling" in the Power. These, however, are subjective statements and it's hard to accurately map them to actual strength levels. Here are a list of judgements we see in the books:

  • Very Strong, 13(1): Whether or not Garenia, Zarya, thought of running again, she would not be allowed the opportunity. She was very strong in the Power.[18]
  • Strong, 14(2): [Reanne] easily equaled Sheriam, say, or Kwamesa or Kiruna. Not many women possessed so much strength.[19]
  • Middling, 22(10): Merilille had worn the shawl forover a hundred years, Careane for more than fifty, and even Sareitha had worn it longer than Elayne Trakand, but standing among Aes Sedai went with strength in the Power, and none of these three was more than middling strong among sisters.[20] 22(10) is Merilille's strength. Careane and Sareitha are 27(15) and 26(14).
  • Middling, 27(15): I should be holding my tongue until they give me permission to speak. Even Aeldene is, and she's no more than middling.[21]
  • Not truly weak, 27(15): Micara was not truly weak in the Power...Galina could have broken Micara's shield with little effort.[22]
  • Not Strong/Weak, 34(22): Akarrin was not strong in the Power, little more than Siuan if at all.[23]
  • Not Very Strong At All, 34(22): Cabriana was not very strong at all.[24]
  • Not Very Strong, 42(30): Berowin was not very strong... Most Aes Sedai she had met stood above Berowin; nearly all.[19]
  • Extremely Weak, 45(33): Daigian was extremely weak in the Power.[25]

Note that these are strictly from the point of how Aes Sedai judge each other. Other channelers rarely judge each other on strength in the power as it is not the primary metric in their hierarchies.

With some caveats about subjectivity of both the descriptors and the bias of the point of view of the character's own strength, we could broadly group the categories as follows:

Classification Score Range Notes
Legendary 8(+5) or above Women in this bracket pass the "thousand years" benchmark quoted earlier. We have no indication that women this strength were ever common in the Third Age, or even in the Age of Legends. Nynaeve, at 3(+8), is stronger than Moghedien, who was considered one of the thirteen strongest channelers of the Shadow in the previous Age out of a population of many thousands of channelers.
Exceptionally strong 11(+2) to 9(+4) Only two Aes Sedai from New Spring, Meilyn Arganya and Kerene Nagashi, and one who also appears in the main series, Casduane Melaidhrin, are this level. No women of this strength have become Aes Sedai in the last 250 years.
Very strong 12(+1) to 14(2) Includes the four strongest channelers in the White Tower at the beginning of the books. At the lower level, Sheriam was highest among the sisters initially in Salidar .
Strong 15(3) to 17(5) Includes many well-known sisters from the series. Merana was concerned her authority over the Embassy to the Dragon Reborn in Caemlyn as there were several women in the Embassy stronger than her and others of the same strength who would normally be high-standing Aes Sedai. This undermined her implicitly.
High Average 18(6) to 20(8) Nobody in this group has been called strong, but they would still be the high side of average.
MEDIAN 18.3 Based on the sample of 194 Aes Sedai, 50% are stronger than this level. This is likely biased towards a higher strength because the sample may not be representative.
Average 21(9) to 24(12) We can assume that many rank-and-file Aes Sedai fall here.
MEAN 21.2 Based on the sample of 194 Aes Sedai, the mean falls here. This is likely biased towards a higher strength because the sample may not be representative.
Low Average 25(13) to 27(15) These sisters aren't at a level to be called weak, but they border on it.
Weak 28(16) to 32(20) Weak sisters that are most under-represented in the books.
Very Weak 33(21) to 40(28) These sisters are strongly required to defer to even middling sisters and there are few that they have superiority over. Siuan and Leane's new strengths fall here.
Exceptionally Weak 41(29) or weaker Only two named living Aes Sedai are at this level, Daigian Mosenellein and Marris Thornhill.

Note that this is just one interpretation. There is plenty of room for alternative classifications.

There is one other quote we did not include above: "Aiden and Zemaille were weak in the Power, yet overcoming both at once would be difficult if it was possible at all."[14] The above classifications place Zemaille at the borderline between weak and low average. We hesitate to classify her as weak for two reasons. Firstly, the "middling" and "not truly weak" judgements of Aeldene and Micara contradict Alviarin's consideration of Zemaille as "weak". All three are at the same level, 27(15). Secondly, moving the classification of weak further would make almost all levels below the mean classifiable as "weak" with no room for "middling". Alviarian's subjective judgement of below average as being weak seems reasonable. Again, alternative classifications are viable.

Sitters and Strength[]

As strength is the primary measure by which Aes Sedai measure their peers, it could be assumed that strength also governed positions of responsibility within the White Tower, such as Sitters, Ajah Heads, Keeper of the Chronicles and the Amyrlin Seat herself. This does not, however, seem to be the case or perhaps not paint the whole picture. The following is a list of Sitters' strengths:

Strength Sitters
13 (1) Lelaine, Romanda, Elaida
14 (2) Pevara, Saerin, Yukiri
15 (3) Talene
16 (4) Doesine, Kwamesa
17 (5) Janya, Joline, Seaine, Teslyn
18 (6) Delana, Shevan, MEDIAN
19 (7) Toveine, Rubinde, Sedore
20 (8) Evanellein, Faiselle, Magla
21 (9) Juilaine, Tsutama Rath, Ferane, MEAN
22 (10) Rina, Suana, Samalin
23 (11) Duhara, Escaralde, Takima
24 (12) Aledrin, Andaya, Lirene, Lyrelle, Saroiya
25 (13) Javindhra, Malind, Moria, Velina
26 (14) Varilin
27 (15) Amira, Salita
28 (16) Berana

None of the above Sitters, except perhaps Berana, could be said to be "truly weak" in the One Power, so there does seem to be a bias towards strength among Sitters. Several women, however, are certainly below average strength.

There is the temptation to see this as correlating with the too young Sitters mystery. This can be shown to not be the case, since we have 16 Sitters that were members of Hall of the Tower under Siuan Sanche or before of below mean strength and of proper age for Sitters. It's also notable that Siuan mentions the age of the women selected as Sitters in Salidar as being unusual, but not their strengths. This would point to there being no pattern among these women that is out of distribution with regards strength.

Other Positions and Strength[]

The Amyrlin Seat[]

Surprisingly, the Amyrlin Seat does not need to be strong in the power.

Supposedly, all sisters are equal, and there have been Amyrlins who barely managed to channel enough to earn the shawl, but Amyrlins and the heads of Ajahs aside, by custom, if another is stronger in the Power than you, you're expected to give way to her.[26]

Elaida, Siuan and Egwene are notably strong in the Power, but were also extremely young for the role. Deane Aryman was the youngest Amyrlin ever at the time of her election, but was still twenty years older than Elaida and forty years older than Siuan at the time they were raised. The events of the last 15 years may mark a shift in how the Tower did things. Other Amyrlins whose strength we know are Sierin Vayu 18(6), Tamra Ospenya 19(7) and Sereille Bagand 21(9). If all our suppositions above are correct, they would all be the higher end of average. Serielle Bagand is the weakest of the three, but was known as one of the strongest Amyrlins in history nonetheless.

Keeper of the Chronicles[]

The strongest Keepers have been Leane Sharif 14(2) and Silviana Brehon 15(3). Alviarin Freidhen 17(5) is borderline strong/above average and Tarna Feir is 19(7) above average. Contrasting this with known strengths of historical Keepers, Gitara Moroso was the same strength as Tarna whereas Duhara Basaheen is 23(11), which is average but below the mean/median strength.

Mistress of Novices[]

Sheriam Bayanar and Merean Redhill are both very strong at 14(2), followed closely by Katerine Alruddin and Silviana at 15(3). Tiana Noselle is above average at 19(7). Sereille Bagand 21(9), who held the post for more than a century, was only of average strength whereas Amira Moselle 27(15) was low average/borderline weak.

Ajah Heads[]

Lelaine Akashi and Romanda Cassin are the strongest Ajah Heads, at 13(1), with Galina Casban not far behind at 14(2). Green Ajah seem to favour strong women as both Myrelle Berengari and Adelorna Bastine are strong, being 15(3) and 16(4), respectively. Ferane Neheran, Jesse Bilal and Tsutama Rath are significantly weaker at 21(9) with Suana Dragand being slightly lower at 22(10), all only average. We don't have a known strength for Serancha Colvine. Anaiya Carel is strength 15(3), if we count her status as potential First Selector. Except for Myrelle and Galina, all of the confirmed Ajah Heads are of considerable age (165-264 years old) and, again excepting these two and Adelorna, all have previously been Sitters.

This would indicate that the normal order of operations would be to be elected a Sitter at a reasonable age, then progress to becoming Ajah Head at a later date. We do not know who operated as Ajah Heads in the Brown, Gray, or White Ajahs among the Rebel Aes Sedai. Since strength is not a deciding factor in becoming a Sitter and it's a normal prerequisite of becoming Ajah Head, then strength may also not be a deciding factor among the Ajah Heads.

Youth Movements among the Ajahs[]

Continuing the observation made about more recent Amyrlins being both younger and stronger in the Power, Galina's entry in the Companion speaks about her being the youngest Highest in the Red Ajah's history. Siuan was the youngest Amyrlin in history. It would not be beyond reason that Leane and Sheriam were the youngest Keepers and Mistress of Novices in history either - with Katerine, Alviarin and Tarna not far behind. Of those, only Tarna is not above average strength, and the motivations for her choice are complicated. Quoting the Companion "the deaths of so many older sisters in recent years had led to something like a youth movement in many Ajahs".[27]

It would be a valid theory that, where a relative shortage of older sisters occurred, the Aes Sedai started to default to their everyday strength-based hierarchy and that caused the recruiting pool to extend to women who would, in centuries past, never been considered. When Anaiya introduces Moiraine to the Ajah Head she says: "It’s unusual for the First Selector also to be a Sitter .. ..but unlike some, we Blues like to make full use of ability".[28] Is this simple pragmatism, or the start of a shift forced by an increasing lack of options?

More details on the decline of Aes Sedai follow in the next section.

Decline in One Power Strength and Numbers[]

The decline in both strength in the Power and numbers of Aes Sedai is a continuing theme of the books. Cadsuane gives a summary of the problem in New Spring:

“No one has come to the Tower in a thousand years who could match me. No one to match Meilyn or Kerene in almost six hundred. A thousand years ago, there would have been fifty sisters or more who stood higher than this child (Moiraine). In another hundred years, though, she’ll standing the first rank. Oh, someone stronger may be found in that time, but there won’t be fifty, and there may be none. We dwindle.[29]

Cadsuane is strength level 9(+4), whereas Meilyn and Kerene are 10(+3) and 11(+2) respectively. Moiraine is 13(1). Cadsuane's prediction came shockingly soon, as Meilyn and Kerene would be dead within the month, leaving Cadsuane as the only living sister that stood higher. That would remain the case for another twenty years. Additionally, we only know of one named Aes Sedai stronger than Cadsuane in the entire history of the Tower. Caraighan Maconar, who lived 212-373 AB, died almost 3000 years ago. While there may have been others between Caraighan and the unnamed sister that marks the thousand year benchmark (see notes above), we can reasonably assume it is part of a continuing trend.

We can also look at the number and quality of novices arriving in the White Tower between New Spring and the beginning of the first book. In 978 NE, we are told that there are "under a hundred" novices in the White Tower and fewer than twenty of those would be allowed to test for Accepted i.e. all of the rest were below the minimum level of 46(34).[28] By 998 NE, Sheriam tells Egwene:

"You will make forty and no more than eight or nine will be raised to Accepted".[30]

We are told that, historically, the pass rate was much higher:

Once, half the girls who were entered in the novice book had been tested for the ring.[28]

Standards have also begun to slip in other ways. Elaida was the first woman in the history of the White Tower to spend three years as novice and three years as Accepted, a total of six years to achieve the shawl, followed shortly by Moiraine and Siuan. Romanda Cassin is the only other woman we have on record spending three years as Accepted, but her total training time was eight years. The only two other women who took even as little as eight years were Bera Harkin and Kiruna Nachiman, both gaining the shawl less than fifteen years before Elaida. While there are a smattering of sisters that took nine years to earn the shawl, anything less than a decade is relatively uncommon. Needless to say, nobody in the history of the Tower ever was raised as quickly as Nynaeve al'Meara or Elayne Trakand.

In the context of Cadsuane's mention of there being fifty sisters stronger than Elaida a thousand years ago, the fact that none of them, nor any of the hundreds of women of strength before that, managed to earn the shawl in six years feels significant. It seems like, as the average strength declined, they could not afford to maintain the previous standards of becoming Aes Sedai without the numbers declining even more rapidly. Women who may have been discarded were retained and the rare woman counted as very strong was promoted quickly. This effect likely became more pronounced over time. Putting a Wilder straight into her Accepted test becomes almost absurd in its breaking of custom. We have no indication that women of legendary strength were treated this way in the past.


With regards numbers, we have two measures of decline. Firstly, we have direct comparisons of the twenty years between New Spring and the main books:

The Tower had been built to house three thousand sisters, but only four hundred and twenty-three were in residence at the moment, with perhaps twice as many more scattered across the nations.[28]

This would equate to approximately 1250 Aes Sedai in 978 NE. At the beginning of Lord of Chaos, in 999 NE, we are told that there are "two hundred ninety four Aes Sedai in the Tower, supporting Elaida. Nearly one-third of all Aes Sedai, almost as-many as had gathered in Salidar" and "fewer than a thousand Aes Sedai" in total.[31][32] We also also have the approximate numbers of the Ajahs just prior to the last Battle from the Companion: Blue Ajah (~100), Brown Ajah (~130), Gray Ajah (~140), Green Ajah (~180), Red Ajah (~200), White Ajah (~80), Yellow Ajah (~120), giving a total of approximately 950 Aes Sedai.

This means a reduction in of Aes Sedai numbers of approximately 20% in twenty years. We are given various reasons for this decline. One cause was related to The Vileness which resulted in the murder of Tamra Ospenya's Searchers, as well as Tamra herself. While this only accounted for half a dozen sisters, the Black Ajah continued to eliminate anyone they merely suspected as being one of her searchers. This resulted in "something of a pogrom among the most senior sisters of the Tower".[33] By the time Marith Jaen was elected Amyrlin, "a large number of senior sisters had died" either through these murders or from natural causes.[34] Marith Jaen would herself die of natural causes four years after becoming Amyrlin. Marith also dealt harshly with the Red Ajah after discovering the illegal gentlings, exiling three Sitters. In general, the 980s were a turbulent time in the Tower. The last category of losses for the Tower would be those who had gone into voluntary retirement, an effect possibly pronounced by the recent chaos, fractious political situation, and deaths of close companions and colleagues. At the end of this period, "the deaths of so many older sisters in recent years had led to something like a youth movement in many Ajahs".[35] Robert Jordan said that this "led to many Aes Sedai reaching positions of authority at younger ages that normally would have been expected".[36]

As a second measure, we can infer a longer-term trend. Rand expands on the capacity of the White Tower to house three thousand Aes Sedai:

The White Tower had been built to house three thousand Aes Sedai all the time, and far more if all their numbers had to be called in.[37]

So it seems like the early Aes Sedai planned for well more than three thousand Aes Sedai with the three thousand being only the normal working capacity. Whether the Tower ever reached those numbers is indeed possible as "once novices and Accepted had both been housed two to a room"[28], indicating that the rooms were being used fully. If this is true for initiates, it would plausible for full Aes Sedai. Just how far back this occurred, we don't know. One would suspect that, if initiates were at full capacity, the entry requirements at that time would have been more rigourous than the present day where they are failing to maintain numbers (see the above comments on reduction in training times). Lowering the bar would, inevitably, lower the average strength of Aes Sedai over the centuries due to a lack of competition for available spaces.

Culling of Ability[]

The decrease in strength and numbers is just a symptom of a wider pattern among the population. This is laid out by Verin:

Year by year," Verin continued, "we find fewer and fewer girls who can be taught to channel. Sheriarn believes we may have spent the last three thousand years culling the ability out of humankind by gentling every man who can channel we find. The proof of it, she says, is how very few men we do find. Why, even a hundred years ago the records say there were two or three a year, and five hundred years...

"What else can we do, Verin? Let them go insane? Follow the Whites' mad plan?" "I think not," Verin replied calmly. "Even if we could find women willing to bear children by gentled men, there is no guarantee the children would be able to channel, or would be girls. I did suggest that if they wanted to increase the stock, Aes Sedai should be the ones to have the children; themselves, in fact, since they put it forward in the first place. Alviarin was not amused."[38]

The culling of the genetic ability out of the general populace, from an Aes Sedai point of view, is because they are both killing any male channelers they find and abstaining from having children of their own. This effect is slow, however, as the women enrolled by the White Tower only represent a small proportion of overall channelers.

