- For others with the same surname, see Chavana.
Taeric Chavana is an acrobat in Valan Luca's Traveling show.
Taeric is a short and compact man. He has green eyes and Saldaean features such as high cheekbones and a hooked nose.[1]
He is one of four "brothers" who travels with Valan Luca's Traveling Show. They are obviously not brothers, due to the differences of their nationalities.
He is introduced to Elayne Trakand, Nynaeve al'Meara, Thomdril Merrilin and Juilin Sandar by Valan Luca when the four join the show. When Nynaeve invites the brothers to dinner, they all begin to flirt with her, causing a fight between Nynaeve and Latelle. Taeric gets a limp when he tries to break up the fight.[2] They are still with the show when Matrim Cauthon comes to the show.[3]