Unsure whether to list her as Lady of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona as she is the wife of Davram Bashere though she is never addressed as such specifically from my memory. Opinions? --Salters16 20:28, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
- If I remember correctly, only Davram was ever mentioned as having those titles. On the one hand, it would make sense that she would have those titles given what we know of Saldaean culture (i.e. wives taking up their husbands swords in battle and all of that), but on the other hand I would say she doesn't have those titles because she is not also the Guardian of the Blightborder, Defender of the Heartland and Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia (Davram's other titles). So, in my most humble opinion, I would say yes, Deira is the Lady of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona. ---- Willie LLAP 08:39, November 2, 2009 (UTC)
Not Public Domain
-- hey. I am not averse to allowing my picture to be displayed here, but my drawings are not public domain. I will authorize WoTwiki to use my drawings, but I would like the tags altered to reflect that. Rmboye 23:52, August 3, 2010 (UTC) --. my drawings are not in the public domain