Intar's Oaths : Many Darkfriends have spoken of their oaths, or reminded others of the consequences of theirs. In TGS, Verin tells Egwene that the oaths channelers take are "more binding" . Sorry about lack of reference, I listened to the audiobook. The Dark One probably demands many oaths, there is no reason to assume there are three to match the Tower oaths, as darkfriends were being recruited long before the Tower was formed. The only one we know the wording of is the secrecy oath, which leaves a loophole "until the hour of my death" . Secrecy would be almost as important as obedience to the Dark One so it is logical that all darkfriends would have to swear this oath, not just channelers. As it is unlikely that the oath would have been weakened since the Collapse, it can also be assumed that it is unchanged since the Bore was opened. From this we can weakly infer that this phrase would be in the other oaths. Verin questions why such a loophole would exist, as it points to a blind spot in the Dark Ones suspicious nature. I believe that it is actualy the Creators influence allowing an out, giving truth to the saying about walking in the Shadow but being able to return to the light.
Davehaun 15:04, February 27, 2010 (UTC)